This debug command writes to the games log (game.log in installation directory) the amount of times that powerspend has been executed. Specify a negative number to remove base unrest. not your computer/real life date). It is used to test touch/collisions. The country tag of the country you wish to log all crownland changes for. This command re-initiates the chat (reloads the chat). The amount of inflation you wish to add. The country tag of the country you wish to remove from your country's interest. The tag of the country you wish to add 10% patriarch authority to. This debug command asserts the specified trigger. Optional. Used for debug/development purposes, not recommended for players. This cheat adds spy network points to the specified country tag. This command will print a list of the ideas (with information) for the specified country tag to the game.log file. The amount of corruption you wish to set for the target country - note that this will set the country's corruption to this value, not add this to the existing amount. The amount of favor you wish to add. The ID of the investment you wish to toggle for the province. The tag of the country you wish to add to your interest. The country tag of the country that you wish to change the devotion of. It will be saved in your game's installation folder. This command will refresh the values on the performance calculator (this command is untested by EU4Cheats, so may not work as intended). Upon seeing that I lost colonial range when my first Colonial Nation formed, I abruptly cancelled the founding of a colony in another region that would have put me over the 4 province limit, or i would have been completely locked out of any further colonization in the new world. Court member IDs: The ID of the religion you wish to set the court member's to. This command sets the isolation level (0 - 4) of the country you are playing as to the specified number. This website is not affiliated with Europa Universalis IV, or Paradox Interactive. The test ID of the code test you wish to run. The tag of the country to add the sailors to. This command improves a country's opinion of another country by 100. The ID of the province to set the missionary progress for. The amount of drill to set the country's sub units to. The amount of reform desire you wish to add to your country. See argument information for where to place the file. If the province is already a center of trade, its level will be adjusted to the specified level. If you do not specify a second country tag, aggressive expansion from all nations towards the specified country will be reset. The name/ID of the mission you wish to test. A number between 0 and 50 - higher numbers make the combat sound less frequent. If the specified province is a territory, it will be made into a state - if it is a state, it will be made into a territory. This console command will run the commands within the file with the specified name when the game year hits the specified year. Hover over a cheat code to view detailed argument explanation. If you do not specify a country tag here, your own country will be affected. I'm playing portugal trying to get "The navigator" and I can't find the colonial range advisor. If specified, the army professionalism of the country with this tag will be affected. This command reloads the GUI (HUD elements) of the game. Province tax income is (base tax + local tax income) / 12 * tax income efficiency * (1 - local autonomy). This console command assimilates the province with the specified ID. The tag of the country you wish to add a consort to. They might also have the advisor or some other bonus as well. This debug command will debug your game's save system. This command colonizes the specified province for your current country. The amount of army tradition you wish to add. #1 Bandini Aug 13, 2013 @ 7:06pm That's what the problem is; I've improved my colonisation range, but there still is no un-conolised land within my range. Type the name of an event or an event key into the text box below to instantly search our database 1,590 events. army_drill [amount] [country tag] DLC: Cradle of Civilization. This command will add 100 Papal Influence to the country with the specified tag. This command enables and disables (toggles) god mode. Optional. This command starts the debug timer, use 'timer' to see results/data collected. The ID of the province you wish to change the base production of. Specify a negative number to remove. This debug command prints to file (stored in Documents\Paradox Interactive\Europa Universalis IV) the current gamestate modifiers. This is a debug command. Specify a negative number to remove. If a number is provided as an argument, the random count will be set to this. The amount of army professionalism to add. This command adds the specified amount of trust (from your current country) to the specified country tag. This command sets the AI's invasion target to the province with the specified ID. The country tag of the country's leader you wish to change the legitimacy of. The country tag of the country the Chinese Emperor you wish to change the meritocracy of belongs to. This command prints a specified amount of random RGB (color) values to the game.log file. How do I get more colonial range? : r/eu4 - reddit The country tag to add trust to (trust is added from the country you are currently playing as). A number. unexplored) parts of the map. This command can be used to make a province progress further towards prosperity. culture - Changes province culture to your primary culture. If revolts are disabled, using this command will turn them back on. Optional. The number of the map mode you wish to change the map to. If this argument is specified, the idea group will be added to this country. If not specified, your current country will be affected. If not specified, this will be the country you are currently playing as (so your current country would form a union with the first specified country). Specify a negative number to remove prestige. Specify a negative number to remove population. The amount of points you wish to add to all powers. The country tag of the country you wish to add the previously specified stability/idea/technology group to. This command will add the specified amount of Republican Tradition to the country with the specified country tag. The ID of the province you wish to change the base manpower of. Optional. reichsreform / emperor_reichsreform (Call for Reichsreform), reichsregiment / emperor_reichsregiment (Institute Reichsregiment), hofgericht / emperor_hofgericht (Reform the Hofgericht), gemeinerpfennig / emperor_gemeinerpfennig (Enact Gemeiner Pfennig), landfriede / emperor_landfriede (Ewiger Landfriede), erbkaisertum / emperor_erbkaisertum (Proclaim Erbkaisertum), privilegia_de_non_appelando / emperor_privilegia_de_non_appelando (Revoke The Privilegia), renovatio / emperor_renovatio (Renovatio Imperii), emperor_reichsstabilitaet (Absolute Reichsstabilitt), emperor_landsknechtswesen (Create the Landsknechtswesen), emperor_reichstag_collegia (Establish the Reichstag Collegia), emperor_expand_gemeiner_pfennig (Expand the Gemeiner Pfennig), emperor_rechenschaft (Embrace Rechenschaft Measures), emperor_imperial_estates (Curtail the Imperial Estates), illius_qui_se_pro_divini (Illius Qui Se Pro Divini), apostolicae_servitutis (Apostolicae Servitutis), immensa_aeterni_dei (Immensa Aeterni Dei). This command removes the limitation that restricts amount of major missions you can choose from. If your country has a Defender of the Faith for its religion, this command will remove the title. If specified, the country with the specified tag will have their liberty desire modified. imperial_authority [amount] [country tag]. subsurf cheats Student, Software Engineer, and Project Manager in Phoenix, AZ. The ID of the province you wish to toggle FoW within. This command adds a colonist to the country with the specified country tag. If they are already disabled, running this command will re-enable them. If specified, this command will change the age of the ruler belonging to the country with this country tag. This console command sends the specified insult from one country to another. The country tag of the country you wish to discover the capital. Optional. The country tag of the country you wish to add or remove prestige from. This amount is multiplied by 100, so entering 1 here would add 100 natives (not just 1). They allow you to slightly ease the game, and significantly strengthen your state. This debug command prints the message that follows to the console. This command prints out statistics attaining to power spending for all countries. For country tags, see our country tags list. This is a debug tool - it is used to test for memory leaks. The amount of fervor you wish to add. The country tag of the country you wish to add 100 Papal Influence to. Executing this command will cause debug information about the economy to be printed to the game.log file. If not specified, the heir will be added to the country you are currently playing as. church_power [amount] [country tag] DLC: Common Sense. The admiral's Fire rating, a number from 0-6. See. The country tag to remove the casus belli from. 5 is fastest, 0 is stopped (paused). Executing this command will print information about balances to the game.log file (not the console). Europa Universalis 4: Best Nations To Take Exploration Ideas - TheGamer The ID of the institution you wish to embrace. You can optionally specify a country tag as a second argument, if provided, this command will affect the country with this tag instead of your own. This console command will run all of the commands within the file with the specified name. The country you wish to start the event within. The ability ID of an ability you wish to add to the newly created light flagship. The ID of the province flag you wish to clear. The name of the command you wish to receive help information for. This command adds favor for the country you are currently playing as from the specified country. If not specified, your current nation will be affected. This is a debug command. Specify negative numbers to remove piety. When executed, it will print a list of invalid AI command counts. This command will enable victory cards in singleplayer mode. This command will set your country's military leader's trait to the trait with the specified trait ID. EU4 Console Commands List | EU4 Cheats The amount of bytes of memory to leak for each chunk. The date you wish to set the game date to. The ID of the religion you wish to change the target country/provice to. This command adds the specified amount of humans to your current country. The amount of piety you wish to add to the specified country. May crash the game. Base tax is used in the calculation for province tax income. The threshold for classification of a country as an island. EU4 Cheats Colonize Command EU4 Colonize Command General Information This command colonizes the specified province for your current country. If specified, this command will apply to the absolutism of the country with the specified tag. The amount of liberty desire you wish to add to the target country. The country tag of the country you wish to annex. For example, entering 3 here would mean all crash dumps made more than 3 days ago would be permanently deleted. Developers, modders, and curious players may wish to simulate a crash for debugging purposes. The ID of the achievement you wish to test. A country tag. The country tag of the country you wish to change the progress of harmonization for. The tag of the country you wish to make the owner of the specified province. This command sets the specified flag for the province with the specified ID. This command reloads the game's trade winds. The country tag of the country you wish to add the specified amount of money to. This command prints the game's 'random count' and the seed of the map. If someone else gets there first, make sure they can't expand eastward through Arizona or Oregon. The tag of the country you wish to toggle the lucky nation status of. The ID of the reform you wish to apply on the Holy Roman Empire. This cheat command will instantly repair all ships belonging to the country with the specified country tag. A permanent claim does not expire. This is a debug command. The country tag of the country imposing aggressive expansion on the first specified country. This console command will create a galley with the specified name and abilities as a flagship. The ID of the court member you wish to change the religion of. This command will make the game attempt to reduce the amount of RAM (memory) it is using. Is it possible to increase coring distances from core provinces? : eu4 If no country tag is specified, the nation you are playing as will be affected. The amount of stability to add. EUIV Cheats | Paradox Interactive Forums Or you could vassalize a nation which has a capital in the . The amount you wish to add to the current reform level of the Holy Roman Empire. The ID of the trait you wish to set for your country's military leader. The amount of sailors to add to the specified country.