Alone. What we see in March has not happened since the time of Henry VIII, Queen Mary and Queen Elizabeth. The drama is Harry works for the WEF and he is just another tool and distraction. He says he loves and respects the Queen and yet at the same time he is writing a book that he knows will undermine the very institution that she dedicated her life to. There was one thing that confused me about an excerpt from Harrys book. In the interview with Cooper on 60 minutes there was a photo with a plague with Princess Diana but with the number 16 on it. He's all about breaking the rules," exclaims Kelly, pointing to his gender-fluid fashion, surprising career turns and age-defying relationships as examples. Not only contradicting some of the Oprah claims with Tom Bradby but also contradicting as nonsense Omid Scobies claims in Finding Freedom about MMs supposed security training. None at all from Thomass. Hi Jessica, I said this a few years ago, but the parallels with the chart of Princess Margaret are striking. Royal Astrologer's Wild Predictions for Meghan Markle & Prince Harry I notice that incident was not in the book or from what I understand any other I racist incidents by members of the Royal family. The moral conflict between Charles and Harry may have got bogged down amongst other causes (Dianas death; Charles and Camilla getting married etc.) As an astrologer I question the wisdom of having a widely accessible, public, heavily promoted event in a large hotel on the same weekend that Saturn goes to 0 Pisces for the first time in 29 years and triggers Harrys chart at 0 Scorpio. What this does by 2044 when the cycle ends will transform the monarchy we know now. I am not british and I know that the conflict is sensitive and that it has also become central again after Brexit. But if I was one of the flock, Id be confused and probably angry. As a young boy he could protect his mother but he will protect Meghan against anyone. I know she didnt love him and wanted to marry another. Way back on 17th July 2017, I published some predictions about the Royal Family and Prince Harry. You have added so much to this ongoing story and there will be a lot of readers who are very grateful to you. . I think we deserve better. When Charles and Camilla got married her status as a divorced woman etc meant that he as heir to the throne couldnt marry her so the attorney general had to look into the legal loop holes to allow the wedding to go ahead. Manually set DST if you believe it is not applied correctly. I must find those. As to why artists are rejecting the proposed coronation concert, thats another story. I note Harrys remark that he had met his Father and Brother near the graves of these two. Security issues are clear even to casual readers let alone lawyers, editors or even H himself. It was a beautiful day, warm and sunny. I dont want to say more on the subject but I think you know where Im heading on this. I wonder what the astrology says about the old ArchBish being able to stick it out that long, and if he does, the consequences for the Church of England and the Monarchy? Ill look for horoscope features filed when he had just been born, to see if other astrologers were picking up what would happen in the 21st century with foreign cultures and countries. starts at 28 Libra (Containing Jupiter) 2 nd House starts at 25 Scorpio (Containing Pluto and North Node) 3 rd House starts at 29 Sagittarius (Containing Mars, Uranus and Neptune) 4 th House starts at 8 Aquarius (Containing Sun, Mercury, Venus and Saturn) 5 th House starts at 12 Pisces 6 th House starts at 8 Aries 7 th House starts at 28 Then theres that other blessing we assume thats what it was when Welby joined Harry and Meghan in the garden without telling anybody, until Meghan told Oprah Winfrey in front of millions and so he had to explain himself. Yes, the Pluto-Pluto square will repeat, so this will be a sustained control and power struggle about the money and property, the business, charity and possessions (Scorpio) involving Meghan but also the family (Eighth House) against a very new, quite powerful group. I know all of you have sympathy for Harry but I think he is a low grade psychopath/sociopath with absolutely no emotions, just hatred and jealousy of William. Season Five, Episode Six of The Crown, Ipatiev House, focuses on the British royal family and the Romanovs. Youd expect the Archbishop of Canterbury to be in the eye of the storm, as he has already clearly shown his loyalty to Meghan and Harry, far ahead of the people (the people again us) by doing what he did. Harry had no way of knowing that the Queen would pass when she did, and I think he would have released the documentary and the book regardless. The nature of the bombshell will create a crisis for the Church of England. Thanks. Come on chaps, whats the point? Thank you. I did hear from a psychic not that long ago that they predicted William would have an accident while onboard a helicopter. 11, "Born on a Tuesday afternoon". Neptune in astrology is a symbol of alternative reality. The Mail on Sunday stated today that H is insisting on prominent seats and titles as part of any deal brokered by Archbishop Welby for them to attend the Coronation. Trick photography. Thank you. What do you think of this foul-smelling mixture of AL Qaeda threatening Prince Harry and British people, Dianas very private letters about her unhappy marriage being put up for auction (purely coincidental?) The internet with all its anonymous people and trick photography is of course a great place for all kinds of leaking gases. Okay the incident with Prince William isnt the best look, but when you dont have the full story you dont know what pushed him to this point. What immediately springs to mind is the mentions Soho House gets & its involvement with H&M meeting etc. There are so many questions with Prince Harry. Lord help us if she tries to recover this by releasing her own autobiography ever sees the light of day. The plot thickens. There are memes, tropes and set pieces galore in the saga. I find it fascinating that Spare makes no reference at all to the huge Russian-American story that the astrology chart shows. I believe that they broke away from the mother church many years ago. On a practical note, the paperback mass-market edition of Spare will benefit from a front-page story, so it is likely to be about Harrys paternity, or the unlawful killing of Diana. Hello Jessica, The other huge mistake people are making, from an astrologers point of view, is to separate Harry from Andrew. HARRY STYLES ASTROLOGY CHART + FUTURE PREDICTIONS By ASTROLOGICWORLD In this video we briefly see Harry's planetary positions and his future. Thank you Jessica and have a great start to the week! Specify the coordinates of the birth location. Then the other day I was reading snippets that had been leaked from Harrys book where he calls Camilla dangerous and says that her road to redemption in the publics eyes is littered with bodies. Sure Harry book maybe embarrassing and likewise with Andrew but I dont think its bad enough to bring the Monarchy down. Ive never heard about it until this week when one of the biggest newspapers here in Sweden wrote about it opening in Stockholm ,and how the rich and famous wanted to join it. The H M situation with TRF feels like a confession of an economic hitman by John Perkins. Also I do not wish to deal with the abuse, even anonymously, common on other sites and channels, and the lack of reply by the hosts is frustrating. Ive said this before, but every time I look at the transits to Harrys chart, I sense a show bible and pin board of looks, images, memes, influences. Uranus, Mars and Neptune in Sagittarius in the Ninth House, all triggered when Meghan Markle appeared. Camilla, the same. Like everyone else here, I also really enjoy and look forward to your fantastic posts! It looks like there is now an uprising against Anglican bishops holding their power in the House of Lords, so the plot thickens. Ive just read about a French court ordering the removal of a statue of Our Lady from a town off the west coast of France citing separation of church and state. No matter what the reason for Meghans absence, I need to do what I always do, which is remind people of the truth. Diana is not in front of a microphone to confirm or deny she was unfaithful to Charles, but unfortunately part of the invisible job description of marrying into the monarchy is that people will talk. Our buttons are pushed. We had always followed the bits and pieces floated in the American press about the royal family. I wouldnt give Harry that much power to take down the monarchy. I have personally suffered with depression for 20 years so I dont take anyones mental health crisis lightly. Im a bit late with a comment re this post but am fascinated by the astrological connection to Henry VIII. Senior Anglican George Pitcher, who advised a previous Archbishop of Canterbury, has mused, if there were even two other people watching, then there were two witnesses and so the Church of England may have an issue. As for probing history, the Church of England was formed when King Henry VIII divorced his wife, Catherine of Aragon, who had borne him no sons, so he could marry Anne Boleyn. Fascinating. The living history discussion continues. Or at least to such a manufactured and rigid stereotype of femininity. Belt off. Thats interesting. Thats interesting. Honestly, when I wrote you I was in the past, thinking of the 2007 realizations of my fathers will which closed years later in 2018. By now, I think we have also come to realise that Meghan and Harry are running a disruption narrative. She also has inside information. None of this would matter except the monarch does have power in the United Kingdom and the Commonwealth. I always wonder why the House of Windsor chooses names which resonate with history. Ruled by Mercury, the planet of the mind, Virgo reminds us that our state of mind can affect our body, and our body affects our state of mind. Photographer spend hours editing to get the best angle that they caught that portrays frailty best because sometimes its so hard to get a pic to portray what was really there. Archbishop Welby has not had a good week either. I have found that he does seem to unearth interesting information & connects dots in an original way, in my opinion. is my description. Wow Jessica. Hi Jessica, Or have I got all that wrong happy to be corrected. He is very humourous, in a genuinely self-deprecating way, to my mind. There is no direct, straightforward communication with us the people. Charles, who walked her down the aisle, was divorced. You can see whats coming next, cant you! Thank you for keeping us on our toes Jessica. What do they all have in common? Much love It goes deeply to my sense of right and wrong. re your theory re US-UK relationship, do Meghan & Harry actually know theyre part of that? So, looking at blindspots I cant help noting Harry forces the world to see his pain yet is blind to his familys pain and feels justified inflicting more. How far ahead did astrology see it? Ive been trusting your predictions and following your astro advice since your predictions about Greece and their economy before it happened. Harry Styles Photos, Pictures, Pics, and Images Having been a Penguin Random House/Transworld author myself, actually with the two publishers Harry thanks editors and copy editors tend to go over the manuscript with a fine-toothed comb, so the Taliban paragraph must have been raised more than once. According to an article in the Tatler 07/09/22 writer Rebecca Cope states that it was the Vladimir tiara Meghan wanted. If true, the story about the Queens will is fascinating, and it would make sense in the context of Spare and all Harry has put in print about Charles, joking about his paternity. This comment puts things in perspective. Oh, thats interesting. Re Time Zones, I thought I had stumbled across one of your secrets for getting so much work done. Yes, I am lucky to have incarnated in 1964 when astrologers were ending up on television, not in some horrid bonfire. I remember Penguin editors sending my manuscripts back and forth with the most meticulous legal and pure editorial checking. Harry Styles 2018 Horoscope And Astrology Name: Harry Styles Date of Birth: Tuesday, February 01, 1994 Time of Birth: 00:00:00 Place of Birth: Redditch Longitude: 1 W 50 Latitude: 52 N 30 Time Zone: 0.0 Information Source: Dirty Data AstroSage Rating: Dirty Data Harry Styles Horoscope About Harry Styles Harry Styles Love Horoscope Harry is a red herring. Thank you for your fascinating insights into world affairs you have a truly awesome grip on these subjects. He wont voluntarily give up his and Meghans titles when it is obvious if you dont live and work in UK why would you continue to be the Duke and Duchess? I do think the truth will come out, actually, because we are about to go into the same rare astrology cycle that took place when the monarchy signed its own rules on marriage into law. At least these days it is harder for people to lie, with everyone having a camera in their hands, and many checks able to be made by our fingertips. AI apps can write resumes, stories and student essays. The conference is set for 7th March 2023. Only to then read a prepared speech, unveil a plaque etc, with barely a hint of the real person underneath. Id not seen this in The Guardian. I do belive that we are seeing pieces of a puzzle coming togheter that are slowly changing the world ,and that the purpose is to change the powerbalance between the west/ east by creating instability and conflicts . Conversation. I also agree with you there are wonderful people on here! Baldness There have also been reports over the last week that lots of artists are turning down the chance to play at the coronation concert. Diana's astrologer made 'accurate predictions on Meghan and Harry Five Predictions on Where Harry Styles will be in 20 Years - Celebrity Toob It is almost common knowledge, and certainly well known with the newspaper industry, that the tapes of the telephone calls between the Prince and Princess of Wales and their respective lovers had been given to the Sun in early 1990- almost two years before they became public. It always has been, ever since Henry VIII created the Church of England, as monarchs always redefine what it is. It has just hit the news that a group of anglican churches from around the world have rejected the church of england and Justin Welby as spiritual leaders of the Anglican faith because of his backing of blessing same sex marriages. If William, who it appears is the real target of Hs rage, feels hes being sold out by any deal- could he end up being the one walking away? I think he hates Will nuts and best way to get to him and hurt him is by taking it out on Kate. Excellent and very insightful blog. Yes. My second thought is that the Netflix doc referenced her miscarriage in detail and the associated blame and the Oprah interview sensationalised the question of skin colour. She doesnt! The taped conversation that spawned Camillagate was kept secretly by an un-named member of the public for almost three years before being handed over to Harry Arnold of the Daily Mirror in November of 1992. It cannot have been too much of an surprise for the Harkles as they removed their belongings from Frogmore Cottage around the time of the Jubilee. You also have special gift to deliver it in a short, but very much thought provoking way, devoid of any bias or new age mumbo-jumbo which in other places is doing the astrology a disservice. This prediction also appeared here on July 17th, 2017. thank you again Thank you for your reply. It rules members clubs. I know we deserve better. Weve not seen this since Henry VIII created the church in the first place and the issue was male heirs, male spares and divorce. What's in store for Harry Styles and Olivia Wilde according to astrology What H&M are doing for money is disgusting & dangerous. Something is so wrong there. Re the Squidgy-gate situation, she (PT) observed: We are witnessing a silent revolution- a revolution whose most alarming volley of shots was fired in 1992. My mind is snagged by your line that Leo is about bloodlines. The child grew up to father a son he named Moner Hughes, the ancestor of Howard Hughes. Shes significantly involved. Once the relationship was made public, she tweeted My cup runneth over. Or was it the other way around. It may not be an issue at all. A few years back social media was rife with a rumour that Prince William had an affair with another aristo. His elder brother was Arthur, married to Catherine of Aragon. Present was Angela Kelly, the Queens advisor and one of the few authors given Her Majestys approval. But then they didnt want The King. I am.not into royalty and such matters, but one aspect has been consistently absurd for me..the question of Harrys fathers identity. So there a few clanging bells here about what might have led to this quite dangerous seemingly deliberately endangering part of the book. (Of course it is being pumped out online at. So then begs the question why cant his therapist see that his behaviour is troublesome (or maybe they can and its all part of the plan) and who recommended this therapist. I felt compelled to cross reference the comment re the medium Claire Thomas. They added the Church of England was disqualified as their historic Mother Church.. Natal Uranus at 9 Sagittarius is square Mercury at 8 Pisces. I didnt know Anne Boleyn had been executed on Harry and Meghans big day. And, of course, there were other tapes and other photographs mentioned in previous known to have ben in the safekeeping of the police since the mid-1980s. I will see if there is a chart for Anne; Id not known the story about a pregnancy. for what exactly? The primary drama is still March, though. In fact it seems to do more damage to Harry than the Royal family in my opinion. Harrys astrology chart shows that Ninth House story (foreigners and foreign countries; foreign affairs and foreign interests) really clearly. She lives in Tasmania, Australia and edits The Holiday Goddess Guide to Paris, London, New York and Rome (HarperCollins). The plot thickens as today new stamps bearing the head of Charles III were released showing him without a crown. Wonder what all the apparent deliberate claims/counterclaims strategy is about? Asking the Archbishop of Canterbury to invite (at least) Prince Harry to the planned coronation, is very wise. My therapy never seeks to divide family members, and only if there is physical or imminent danger would I ask a client to stay away from a parent or sibling. Thanks for your efforts! I have long felt that if the title of Monarch was awarded on merit, Princess Anne would be the best candidate for the role of all of the Queens children. I am late to it and dont want to add to your workload but I thought this was interesting and hasnt yet been mentioned. Thank you for letting me know. There was a time when someone who predicted a plague (in Jessicas case, Covid) would have been burned at the stake. Welby said he wont be told what to do by MPs. It has nothing to do with whether or not you accept it. I had that feeling (and still do) when R/M was introduced as Henry/Harrys lady friend. Best, C. Youre a star, thank you C. Secret marriages in the Lambeth Palace Library but of course. Keep up your amazing work:)). Amelie. The astonishing boast of how many people he killed in combat. Jessica, you have talked in the past about May 2031 being of significance with regard to Princess Charlotte being close to Archie and Lillibet. Your email address will not be published. Beyond the lucrative financial rewards, there is a powerful psychological motive. The wedding was a disruption. Perhaps Charles is taking a leaf out of Queen Margareta of Denmarks book and trying to sort things out so that William wont have to? Have read a TikTok post/video (@ladyamberleigh), discussing details of MM weddings to Trevor Engelson. I remember the 2018 wedding, I saw a grey air around it. I imagine it will only increase as March approaches. Has Welby gone back on that? The astrological signposts of Uranus and Neptune in Capricorn cannot be misinterpreted. Ultimately, Dianas message is that she was extremely grateful for the people who gave her so much love and she sends a wave (see mer in French /mother) of love, light and joy to everyone (in short). I often get feelings and intuitions about people and am very interested in the idea of past kharma. As per the horoscope of Prince Harry this is likely to happen during Rahu-Sun dasha from October 2021 to September 2022 when he can come back to royals . We dont know why yet. Of course an underage monarch doesnt need a regent. As a Penguin author myself I question why the Taliban paragraph went in. This can and does get better but it is very important that you do something about the common cold of mental health which is what we call depression. On a lighter note, you mentioned in a previous post to have the Gin and Tonic handy for what is going to unfold in the near future. A guest at the party worked for ASIO, the Australian equivalent of MI5 and said They got her. Instantly. He is in a world of extremely charismatic actors and television presenters stars with a lot of power. Someone has been data mining demographics and voter bases and is using a drip, drip, drip formula to win hearts and minds. The chapter in Spare about Harrys life in the army and those he killed, will speak to men who have also served, killed and had issues with anxiety, post-traumatic stress disorder and so on. Strange (or co-incidence) that re-conciliation is being discussed very soon after Harry threatened to reveal more (appears he left out the more damaging information from the book which was originally 800 pages). And I think it must be because Harry thinks they are hurting his Megan so he is taking it out on Kate. I think you may be right: someone is having the time of her life, or his life, writing telenovella plots. Anger drives this feature? I do know about horoscopes, though. It just does what it does. This is deeply sinister and I think your analysis is incredible. In regard to your revelation that the Church of England is pursuing the idea of a female God at the General Synod, well, Heavens to Betsy (Betsi?). There are two big background issues to this as we know. In April 2021 Saturn will oppose the Queen's moon at 12 Leo. Wow. Initially they apparently sourced ingredients from a company based in a province in China where serious human rights abuses were taking place and just 4 miles from a re- education centre. Ill look for the photograph of Diana in the 60 Minutes interview too. I have had nothing but respect for Anne and she works harder than anyone. I recently came across an article that M is a project of the Chinese special services, it was a retelling of an interview with a retired employee. The astrology has been clear for a while that there would be renovations or a new home in store for Harry and Meghan, so I guess thats the next step after the end of Frogmore. America/UK: Robert/Ghislaine Maxwell, Jeffrey Epstein, Prince Andrew, Trump, Soho House, Marcus Anderson, parties, wannabees, Meghan and a yacht Our readers pointed out that Harrys actual uniform at the wedding is a standart frock coat of the Blues and Royals, which looks almost identical to the Royal Scots Dragoon Guards uniform worn by Nicholas II. The letters contained a clear message from Diana that she needed protection and were dated. Hi Jessica, I also predicted Harry meeting a foreigner and falling head over heels in love that would be the One in 2017. We walked to the area where her grave is, near the lake. I find that tactless recounting absolutely appalling Has he been trapped by the editors? Was there anything earth shattering in the book? This Russian friend of US entertainment king David Foster (who has been described as an American father figure to Harry) is Yuri Milner, once linked by The New York Times in 2017 to the Kremlin. I find it insulting and ignorant when people refer to which parent the children look like and if Meghan and Harry used a surrogate or not. I dont know if the former Anglican clergy have any restrictions placed on their role within the Catholic Church due to their married status. Is there anybody in MI5 or MI6 actually doing their job? Hi Jessica It tells the truth and that is quite threatening. It can also happen, at best, every 12 years. One of the reasons Ive never married is the vows; if someone needs the fear of God to motivate them in making pretty basic promises to someone they supposedly want to spend the rest of their life with, then thats not a good omen. This really is a evolving story! They were hand made by an international fashion house and needed a team of four people over three days to adjust the fittings.