The most famous ceremony for determining your Head Orisha is Kariocha (meaning making ocha or santo) a seven-day (plus two preparatory days before the start of the ceremony) Lukumi ceremony that dedicates you to your Head Orisha. As always, feel free to leave comments and/or email me at, Tagged: orisha, tradition, divination, head marking. Therefore, the identity of our Orisha is extremely important for us in the religion. The babalawos will beat the palm nuts and mark out odu on the table of if (opn if) and determine which orisha rules that persons destiny. SAFE Alert Fraudulent Orishas Sold Online , Ceremonies, Clarifying Misconceptions, Orishas, Religious Practices, Terminology. This is typically done when a person received their Hand of Orunla (Awofakn or Ikof). There is a growing phenomenon of people wanting to know who their orisha is, along with a desire to worship and work with that orisha directly. Jojo's Bizarre Adventure: Which Stand do you have. ALL IMAGES AND TEXT COPYRIGHT 2014 except where noted otherwise. There is a small ritual that is connected to this procedure. He is fate, destiny, choice. you are more comfortable being in control of relationships Shigidi and the Brass Head of Obalufon publishes August 8, 2023 from DAW Books. If this is for you, your ancestors will guide you and show you the way. Also Ogun is the Orisha of civilization, technology, and transportation. What can you do with the Santeria Orishas without being initiated? The guardian orisha can change before a person is ordained in kariocha and there is no point in knowing until the arrangements are already being made for kariocha. Visits to Cuba over the last few years have left me disappointed and confused when I see how the process of Iyaworaje is not respected, in addition to other things. tend toward a strong physique Also beneficial for business and financial events. large groups of people & parties It looks like the Orisha that matches your personality is Shango. you are basically calm I hope that this information was helpful for all those who who have wondered what orisha has their head or even why knowing your head orisha is important. Then comes God Almighty. Shigidi is a disgruntled and demotivated nightmare god in the Orisha spirit company, reluctantly answering prayers . You just have to tell us a few things about yourself and based on your answers, we will determine your orisha type. January 2014 Therefore, it has very little to do with personality. For example, when a person finds out they are a child of Obatal they know they usually function best over time and that when they are hurried they are at their least efficient. Which Simpsons Character Are You Most Like? you often set the tread for your friends or family you have a genuine caring feeling for other people Although there is much variation in the details of the rituals and mythology of these deities among these West African peoples, the underlying . you enjoy good food and wine It can also mean that youve been struggling to find your path and way in life, and you mightve been feeling stuck and praying for help, so it could be that the ancestors have heard your manifestations, and your prayers are being answered. Oya is the goddess of the winds, the storms (hurricanes), the lightning, the market, and guards the gates to the cemetery. It is certain that with regular divinations comes more of a connection to yourself as a person and also to Orisha. New Direction for the London Lucumi choir. How To Know Your Orisha Head? New Update Once you are close to having all the money in place a cowrie shell divination should be performed to find out who that persons tutelary or guardian orisha is. Each way is fine; however I would beware of houses that are extremely anti one path or another. This can happen at a drum ceremony or other ceremony. Visiting a Diviner; Having a reading. I would also like to say that the Lucumi Path is only one variation of what may be labelled as Orisha worship. you can talk people into whatever you want I Have been a practitioner of Santeria, also known as Lucumi since 1986. Offerings of candies, cakes, flowers, mirrors, kola nuts, red palm oil, coconuts, and cowries shells are also acceptable. In the case of one guardian spirit, this energy governs the head. I recently saw an article in a well-known New Orleans Voodoo publication telling people to perform a shamanic journey to determine who their tutelary orisha is. A person's head orisha is not a matter of choice or preference; the tutelary orisha is This deity is popularly known as the 'God of Thunder and Lightning .'He is also known as one of the greatest warriors of the Yoruba mythologies. I am also a diviner of the Dilogun. In addition the growth of the ownership of smart phones has meant that there are more and more photos and filmage going on within ceremony. As people come to know about orishas like Obatala, King of the White Cloth and orisha of wisdom and purity; Yemoja, the orisha of the motherhood who is associated with the seas;and Oshun, the orisha of love, beauty and femininity that many saw honored and evoked in Beyonce's video for her song "Hold Up," more and more Black and Brown people feel drawn to honoring and venerating African gods and goddesses. Typically this ceremony is done as part of a person receiving their Awofakn or Ikof (hand of Orunla) but it can be done as just a reading if that person hasnt received the hand of Orunla yet. If you want to know who to worship and who to work with, its Obatala until it is time for you to find out who your guardian orisha really is. April 2019 Finding a Godparent and Religious house. By. My advice always is to start with a connection to your ancestors and spirit guides. has revealed Spoons cooks aim to get food out to customers within just 10 minutes of ordering, with former staff claiming management . How to Find Out Your Guardian Orisha the Proper Way!JOIN MY PATREON TEAM for private live-streams, private lessons, recipes, money and love hacks, and a 15 minute consultation! was created because I see so many going around attesting that they are a child of a particular Orisha, but have not had an official proper ceremony done to determine who their Head Orisha is. How to Find Out Your Guardian Orisha the Proper Way! When An Orisha Chooses You: How Do You Know & What It Means? The pros of having your godparents abroad are few. New World Santeria believers, on the other hand, generally only work with a handful of them. I have a passion for art and nature, good music, genealogy and travel. Normally, it means that a particular Orich is standing up to speak on behalf of that person at a given moment in time, and that the Orich is offering blessings, help, or perhaps even a warning, to help the client progress and avoid problems. you cut corners. At this time we are limiting the amount of appointments for this important divination to 10. In the If oracle, for example, a trained priest, a babalawo ("father of the mystery"), interprets the fall of consecrated palm nuts to reveal the orisha s' response to a seeker's question. In addition to these there are other orishas that are crowned through a ritual adjustment called oro. The main personal religious identifier for any Orisha worshiper is the necklace(s) made in the colors of the Orisha under whose protection s/he is initiated. you love ideas The Table of If can only be used by fully initiated and trained Babalawos or Fathers of the Secrets. Initiation | OrishaNet Summoning or invocation: It's NOT wise to try to summon the energy of one Orisha if you are not initiated to that particular Orisha. Understand that you can have multiple Godparents within this religion. I Have written about Latin Music, and I am passionate about singing and encouraging everyone to sing. 22 How To Know When An Orisha Chooses You 01/2023 - BMR This often happens when a persons tutelary orisha is determined way in advance years before the ceremony and at the last minute a different orisha possesses that person and claims their head. are quick to take offense The Orishas are raw living energy and without the help of an initiated Santero(a) it will become a big problem. Ask Obatala to bring you peace and tranquillity while you are doing this. Those who came before us who are related to us by blood. Both the light and shadow aspects of Oguns traits are necessary for getting things going and advancing society in a myriad of ways. Ob is only used for yes or no questions. March 2020 Yemonja/Olukuns day is Monday. The Religion like all spiritual paths is about elevation. To have a Bajada Ceremony done is not an easy feat, for youll have to already be in some kind of Orisha community, or have your Orisha Priest. This goes back to us choosing the orisha who best supports our destiny. Because it is my lineage, the Lucumi path is what I will be concentrating on, however please be aware that there are different traditions under the umbrella of Orisha worship and you need to find what is right for you. Orishas and other deities correlate to many aspects of western astrology since this system was derived from African spiritual science. people either love or dislike you That way the godparents know whether they can crown that person (barring any taboos to the contrary) and they can begin to purchase the rights supplies and make the proper arrangements. There is a small ritual that is connected to this procedure. Channel 5 documentary program, Wetherspoons: How Do They Do It? being structured being bored. I found A dead bird in my home. Taking your time and being open to helping within the Ile is a good starting point. Conversely, you can attend an Orisha Drumming and be claimed by an Orisha attending the ceremony through the human conduit present. The orishas are the gods of Santeria, the beings that believers interact with on a regular basis. This deity is mainly known for being a go-getter and initiator. Those that have made a stand, find themselves outnumbered and follow the general way that things are going. These are the list of tutelary orishas within Lukum practice that are done directly to a persons head. She is also fond of light-colored fruits, wine, beer, rum, or gin. Easy Folk Magic Love Spells to Try for Yourself, Basic Ingredients and Curios Used in Hoodoo. Looking at the hip-to-waist ratio offers doctors a better way of . taking orders Now that there are a fair amount of initiates in the UK, this is no longer the case. To put it simply, God created the universe and everything in it. Some people come only once to the divining mat. Fanaticism is never a good thing. Due to the spiritual origin of their spirits (souls), they are said to have led ordinary human lives but retain their great wisdom and power, thus acting as a sort of spiritual gurus and shamans to the humans. Among many Ifa priests and priestesses in the Yorubaland, the same head Orisha is thought to remain with you throughout your lifetime. There are only three ways to find out who your Orisha is: diloggun head marking from an Olorisha (preferably an Oriate - this is more than a standard reading), If bajada from Babalawos, or from an Orisha 8. Kariocha means "to seat the orisha", and in this ceremony a person's tutelary orisha is seated on their head; they are literally crowned with that orisha. Because this is such an oft-asked question, I decided to write this post to help folks better understand the concept of the practice, as well as how the actual ritual is done. He is the head of the orishas and as such protects and guides all people with fairness and equality. They are innumerable, and their number is usually given as 400 + 1 which means infinite or without a number. Children of Obatal need to take very good care of their heads and should refrain from drinking heavily or taking drugs. Instead initiations in Santeria help the person to move forward in their lives, often in specific ways and impart the ach or spiritual power of the Orishas into your life. Peace Family! And the more we live in harmony with our Orisha, the more harmonious our lives will be. Affiliate Disclaimer:This site contains references and links from various affiliate marketers. Orisha | deity | Britannica