pageYOffset + innerHeight : document.body.scrollTop + document.body.clientHeight; : "http://www. par-oo-SEE-ah (listen)] * [ Parthia; Parthian - ; Par'thians - Acts 2:9 CEV, TEV (g3934); Acts 2:9 (g3934) - PAHR-thee-uh; PAHR-thee-uhn(z)] * [ Pasach - Pa'sach - 1 Chronicles 7:33 (h6457) - PAY-sak] * [ Pasargadae* - - dp 151 - puh-SAHR-guh-dee'] * [ Pasch; Pascha* - - Ezekiel 45:21 DRB (h6453) and Hebrews 11:28 DRB (g3957); w94 3/15 5 - PASK; PAHS-kuh] * [ paschal* - - w90 2/15 12 - PAS-kuhl] * [ Pashhur - Pash'hur - Jeremiah 20:1 (h6583) - PASH-huhr] * [ Pashur] * [ (aka Pashhur) - ("Pashhur" in NW) - Jeremiah 20:1 KJ (h6583) - PASH-uhr] * [ Patara - Pat'ara - Acts 21:1 (g3959) - PAT-uh-ruh] * [ Pathros - Path'ros - Isaiah 11:11 (h6624) - PATH-ros, not PATH-ruhs] * [ Patmos - Pat'mos - Revelation 1:9 (g3963) - PAT-muhs] * [ patriarch - ("family head" in NW) - Hebrews 7:4 AS, DRB, KJ (and others) (g3966) - PAY-tree-ahrk'] * [ patriarchal* - - w95 9/15 20 - pay'tree-AHR-kuhl] * [ patristic* - - Daniel 9:2 ftn. Difficult. It stood near the head of the Sea, about 8 miles north-west of Kavalla. If you go to your temporary url (http://ip/~username/) and get this error, there maybe a problem with the rule set stored in an .htaccess file. Then have readers say When you get a 404 error be sure to check the URL that you are attempting to use in your browser.This tells the server what resource it should attempt to request. - hen-DI -uh-duhs] * [ henotheism* - - - HEN-uh-thee(')-ih'zuhm] * [ Hephaestus* - - w98 7/15 26 - hih-FES-tuhs, -FEES-] * [ Hephzibah - Heph'zibah - 2 Kings 21:1 (h2657) - HEF-zih-buh] * [ Heptateuch* - - - HEP-tuh-tyook, -took] * [ Heracles*] * [ (compare Hercules) - - it "Alexander" - HER-uh-kleez'] * [ Hercules*] * [ (compare Heracles) - - it "Gods and Goddesses" - HUHR-kyuh-leez'] * [ heretic; heretical] * [ (divisive, factious, man of heresy, quarrelsome person, sectarian [man], troublemakers in some Bibles) - ([a man that] "promotes a sect" in NW) - "heretic" in Titus 3:10 KJ and "heretical" in Da (g141) - HER-uh-tik'; huh-RET-ih-kuhl] * [ hermeneutic*] * [ ("interpretive; explanatory") - - - huhr'muh-NOO-tik, -NYOO-] * [ Hermes] * [ (Mercurius, Mercury in some Bibles) - Her'mes - Acts 14:12 (g2060) - HUHR-meez] * [ Hermogenes - Hermog'enes - 2 Timothy 1:15 (g2061) - huhr-MOJ-uh-neez] * [ Hermon - Her'mon - Deuteronomy 3:8 (h2768) - HUHR-muhn] * [ Herod - Herod - Matthew 2:1 (g2264) - HER-uhd] * [ Herodian* - - it "Herod" - hih-ROH-dee-uhn] * [ Herodias - Hero'dias - Matthew 14:3 (g2266) - hih-ROH-dee-uhs, heh-ROH-dee-uhs] * [ Herodium* - - w78 11/1 6 - hih-ROH-dee-uhm] * [ Herodotus* - - it "Chronology" - hih-RAH-duh-tuhs, huh-ROD-uh-tuhs, not -ROH-duh-] * [ Heshbon - Hesh'bon - Numbers 21:26 (h2809) - HESH-bon] * [ Heshvan*] * [ (aka Bul, Marheshvan) - - it "Bul" - HESH-vuhn, -vahn, KHESH-] * [ Hesiod* - - it "Greece, Greeks" - HEE-see-uhd, HES-ee-uhd] * [ heth, see chehth] * [ (Hebrew letter) - - - ] * [ Hexapla* - - it "Versions" - HEK-suh-pluh] * [ Hexateuch* - - w59 7/15 437 - HEK-suh-t(y)ook(')] * [ Hezekiah - Hezeki'ah - 2 Kings 18:1 (h2396) - hez'ih-KI -uh. We and our partners use cookies to Store and/or access information on a device. - kuh-THEEV] * [ Keturah - Ketu'rah - Genesis 25:1 (h6989) - kih-TOO-rah, -TYOOR-uh] * [ Ketuvim*] * [ (also Kethuvim') - - sh 220 - Ashk. Along with our online pronunciation guide, BibleSpeak also provides links to some of the best resources for Bible study available today. in NW) - John 12:13 AS, Da, DRB, KJ, Yg (g5614) - hoh-ZAN-uh, -ZAHN-] * [ Hosea - Hose'a (Bible book) - Hosea 1:1 (h1954); w62 12/15 767 - hoh-SEE-uh in NW, hoh-ZEE-uh, not hoh-ZAY-uh, HOH-zay] * [ Hoshea - Hoshe'a - 2 Kings 17:1 (h1954) - hoh-SHEE-uh] * [ hough] * [ (hamstring, hock in some Bibles) - ("hamstring" in NW) - Joshua 11:6 Da, KJ, Yg (h6131) - HOK, HOKH] * [ Huguenot* - - w98 8/15 26 - HYOO-guh-naht'] * [ Huldah - Hul'dah - 2 Kings 22:14 (h2468) - HUHL-duh, HUL-] * [ humble - humble - Proverbs 29:23 (h8217) - HUHM-buhl, HUM-, also chiefly Southern US UHM-] * [ humility - humility - Proverbs 18:12 (h6038) - hyoo-MIL-uh-tee, -ih-, often yoo-] * [ Hur - Hur - Exodus 17:10 (h2354) - HUHR] * [ Huram - ("Hiram" in 2 Chronicles 2:3 in NW) - 1 Chronicles 8:5 (h2361); 2 Chronicles 2:3 AS, Da, KJ, JPS (h2361) - HYOOR-uhm, HYOO-ruhm] * [ hurly-burly] * [ (iniquity, overturn, overturned, ruin, ruins in some Bibles) - ("ruin" in NW) - Ezekiel 21:27 By (h5754) - huhr'lee-BUHR-lee] * [ Hurrian* - - w85 3/1 31 - HOOR-ee-uhn] * [ Hushai - Hu'shai - 2 Samuel 15:32 (h2365) - HYOO-shi, HOOSH-i] * [ hyacinth] * [ (jacinth, turquoise in some Bibles) - hyacinth, it hy'acinth - Revelation 21:20 (g5192) - HI -uh-sinth (listen)] * [ Hyades] * [ (Pleiades, Kimah in most Bibles) - - Job 9:9 in DRB - HI -uh-deez'] * [ Hydaspes*] * [ (River) - - - hi -DAS-peez] * [ Hyksos* - - it "Egypt, Egyptian ('Hyksos Period')" - HIK-sohs (listen), -sos] * [ Hymen* - - it "Hymenaeus" - HI -muhn] * [ Hymenaeus - Hymenae'us - 1 Timothy 1:20 (g5211) - hi 'muh-NEE-uhs, not hi -MIN-ee-uhs] * [ hymn] * [ (song of praise, the Hallel in a few Bibles) - ("praises" in NW) - Matthew 26:30 KJ (g5214) - HIM] * [ Hypnos* - - sh 43 - HIP-nuhs, HIP-nohs'] * [ hypocrisy - hypocrisy - Matthew 23:28 (g5272) - hih-PAH-kruh-see, hi -] * [ hypocrite - hypocrite - Luke 6:42 (g5273) - HIP-uh-krit'] * [ hyrax] * [ (see coney) - ("rock badger" in NW) - Leviticus 11:5 JB (h8227) - HI -raks] * [ Hyrcania* - - w96 1/15 27 - huhr-KAY-nee-uh] * [ Hyrcanus* - - w02 1/1 11 - hihr-KAY-nuhs] * [ hyssop - hyssop - Exodus 12:22 (h231) - HIS-uhp] * [ Hystaspes*] * [ (also Hystaspis) - - it "Darius" - his-TAS-peez] * [ Hystaspis*] * [ (Darius I; also Hystaspes) - - Esther 1:1 ftn. uh-GAH-duh] * [ aggadic* - - w99 3/15 27 - uh-GAH-dik] * [ Aggeus - ("Haggai" in NW) - Haggai 1:1 DRB (h2292) - AG-ee-uhs] * [ Agnostic* - - w89 2/15 4 - ag-NAHS-tik, uhg-] * [ Agnosticism* - - g84 3/8 8 - ag-NOS-tuh-siz-uhm] * [ agora* - - it "Athens" - AG-uh-ruh, AG-uhr-uh, also ah'guh-RAH (listen), not uh-GOR-uh] * [ Agrippa - Agrip'pa - Acts 25:13 (g67) - uh-GRIP-uh] * [ Agur - A'gur - Proverbs 30:1 (h94) - AY-guhr] * [ Ahasuerus] * [ (Xerxes in some Bibles) - Ahasue'rus - Ezra 4:6 (h325) - uh-haz'yoo-EE-ruhs, ah-haz'uh-EE-ruhs, not uh-HAZ-yoo-ruhs] * [ Ahava - Aha'va - Ezra 8:15 (h163) - uh-HAY-vuh] * [ Ahaziah - Ahazi'ah - 1 Kings 22:51 (h274) - ay'huh-ZI -uh] * [ Ahiah - ("Ahijah" in NW) - 1 Samuel 14:18 KJ, Yg (h281) - uh-HI -uh] * [ Ahijah - Ahi'jah - 1 Samuel 14:18 (h281) - ah-HI -juh, uh-] * [ Ahimaaz - Ahim'aaz - 1 Samuel 14:50 (h290) - uh-HIM-ay-az, uh-HIM-uh-az] * [ Ahimelech - Ahim'elech - 1 Samuel 21:1 (h288) - uh-HIM-uh-lek] * [ Ahinoam - Ahin'oam - 1 Samuel 14:50 (h293) - uh-HIN-oh-uhm, uh-HIN-ah-am'] * [ Ahithophel - Ahith'ophel - 2 Samuel 15:12 (h302) - uh-HITH-uh-fel] * [ Aholah - ("Oholah" in NW) - Ezekiel 23:4 KJ, Yg (h170) - uh-HOL-luh] * [ Aholibah - ("Oholibah" in NW) - Ezekiel 23:4 KJ, Yg (h172) - uh-HOH-lih-buh] * [ Ahriman* - - g84 6/8 6 - AHR-ih-muhn, -mahn'] * [ Ahura Mazda* - - dp 151 - ah-hoor'uh MAZ-duh (listen), not MAHZ-] * [ Ai] * [ (Hai in KJ, Douay) - A'i - Genesis 12:8 (h5857) - AY-i] * [ Aijalon] * [ (Ajalon in some Bibles) - Ai'jalon - Joshua 10:12 (h357) - I -juh-lon (also A-juh-lon, AY-)] * [ Akeldama] * [ (Aceldama in some Bibles) - Akel'dama - Acts 1:19 (g184) - uh-KEL-duh-muh, not ak'uhl-DAH-muh] * [ Akhenaton* (also Ikhnaton) - - it "Egypt, Egyptian" - ahk'NAH-tuhn, ah'kuh-] * [ Akhisar*] * [ (ancient Thyatira) - - w03 5/15 15 - ahk'hih-SAHR] * [ Akkad*] * [ (also Accad) - - it "Accad" - AK-ad] * [ Akkadian* - - dp 34 - uh-KAY-dee-uhn] * [ Alamoth - Al'amoth - 1 Chronicles 15:20 (h5961) - AL-uh-mohth, AL-uh-moth] * [ Alasehir*] * [ (ancient Philadelphia) - - it "Philadelphia" - a'luh-shuh-HIHR, aw'luh-, ah-LAH-sheh-heer'] * [ albeit - ("besides" in NW) - Ezekiel 13:7 KJ; Philemon 19 (g2443) - awl-BEE-uht, al-] * [ Albigenses*] * [ (aka Cathari) - - w95 9/1 28 - al'bih-JEN-seez, not AL-buh-jen'sez] * [ aleph] * [ (Hebrew letter) - A'leph - Psalm 119:1 (verse heading) - AH-lef, -luhf] * [ Aleppo*] * [ (ancient Beroea or Berea, Syria) - - w00 2/15 29 - uh-LEP-oh(')] * [ Alexander - Alexander; it Alexan'der - Acts 19:33 (g223) - al'ig-ZAN-duhr, -ZAHN-] * [ Alexandria - Alexandria; it Alexan'dria - Acts 18:24 (g221) - al'ig-ZAN-dree-uh, -ZAHN-] * [ Alexandrinus (Codex)* - - it "Manuscripts of the Bible (Alexandrine Manuscript)" - al'ig-zan-DRI nuhs] * [ algum] * [ (almug, sandlewood in some Bibles) - algum - 1 Kings 10:11 (h484) - AL-guhm] * [ Allah* - - w93 11/1 4 - AH-luh, A-luh, AH-lah', ah-LAH] * [ allegory - ("symbolic drama" in NW) - Galatians 4:24 AS, DRB, KJ (g238) - AL-uh-gohr'ee, -gawr'-] * [ Alleluia] * [ (Hallelujah, Praise God!, Praise the Lord in some Bibles) - ("Praise Jah, YOU people!" BIBLE SPELLING AND PRONOUNCIATION OF WORDS AND NAMES Pronounce the "J" words from Biblical times as follows: 404 means the file is not found. How to Pronounce "Philippi". That's one way I think this audio Bible pronunciation site can be good for you. Do you hear the way they pronounce their words correctly? in NW) - Revelation 19:1 DRB, KJ, Yg (g239) - al'uh-LOO-yuh] * [ almond - almond - Ecclesiastes 12:5 (h8247) - AH-muhnd, AM-uhnd, AL-muhnd, AHL-, AWL-] * [ almug] * [ (juniper wood, sandlewood, thyine in some Bibles) - ("algum" in NW) - 1 Kings 10:11 KJ (h484) - AL-muhg] * [ aloes (aloeswood) - aloes - Song of Solomon 4:14 (h174) - AL-ohz] * [ Alpha - Al'pha - Revelation 1:8 (g1) - AL-fuh] * [ Alphaeus - Alphae'us - Acts 1:13 (g256) - al-FEE-uhs] * [ Al-taschith] * [ (Altaschith. In Bible Pronunciation, when you use correct tone and know how to pronounce, it tells your listeners that they can trust you for accuracy and truth. RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} !-d Bible Pronunciation--How to pronounce L words in the Bible: [ Laban - La'ban - Genesis 24:29 (h3837) - LAY-buhn, LAY-ban] * [ labdanum] * [ (variant ladanum)] * [ (gum, resin, spicery, spices, tragacanth in some Bibles) - labdanum, it lab'danum - Genesis 37:25 (h5219) - LAB-duh-nuhm (listen), variant LAD-nuhm, LA-duhn-uhm, LAD-n-uhm (listen)] * [ Lachish - La'chish - 2 Chronicles 25:27 (h3923) - LAY-kish] * [ Laconia* - - - luh-KOH-nee-uh, -KOH-nyuh] * [ lacuna*] * [ (pl. how to pronounce philippi in the bible Help other readers develop natural sounding intonation by addressing reductions, which are created when people eliminate certain sounds or syllables in words when they speak naturally. { - EK-see HOH-moh, EK-ay] * [ ecclesia*; ekklesia* - - Ecclesiastes 1:1 ftn. PHILIPPI fl' p ( , city of Philip ). el.y = ns ? Speakers need to develop a concern for Bible pronunciation of biblical words. NW - DAM-uhn] * [ Damaris - Dam'aris - Acts 17:34 (g1152) - DAM-uh-ris] * [ Damascene; Damascenes - Damascene'; Damascenes' - Amos 3:12 (h1833); 2 Corinthians 11:32 (g1153) - dam'uh-SEEN, DAM-uh-seen'] * [ Damascus - Damascus, it Damas'cus - Genesis 14:15 (h1834); 2 Corinthians 11:32 (g1154) - duh-MAS-kuhs] * [ Daniel - Daniel (Bible book) - Ezekiel 14:14 (h1840) - DAN-yuhl] * [ Dardenelles* - - dp 155 - dahr'duhn-ELZ] * [ daric* - - it "Daric" - DAR-ik] * [ Darius - Dari'us - Ezra 4:5 (h1867) - duh-RI -uhs, not DAIR-ee-uhs] * [ darnel] * [ (cockle, darnel weeds, tares, weed seeds in some Bibles) - ("weeds" in NW) - Matthew 13:25 Da, Yg (g2215) - DAR-nuhl, not dar-NEL] * [ Dathan - Da'than - Numbers 16:1 (h1885) - DAY-thuhn] * [ debauchery - debauchery - 1 Peter 4:4 (g810) - dih-BAW-chuh-ree, -chree, -BAH-] * [ Debir - De'bir - Joshua 21:15 (h1688) - DEE-buhr] * [ Deborah - Deb'orah - Genesis 35:8 (h1683) - DEB-uh-ruh, also DEB-uhr-uh, DEB-ruh] * [ debris - debris - Amos 6:11 (h1233) - duh-BREE, day-BREE, DAY-bree', esp. Heb. Achaemenids) - - it "Darius" - uh-KEE-muh-nid, uh-KEM-uh-nid; pl. - NUHM-buhrz] * [ nun] * [ (Hebrew letter) - Nun - Psalm 119:105 (verse heading) - NUHN, NUN (listen)] * [ nuncio* - - w80 7/1 25 - NUHN(T)-see-oh', NOON(T)-] * [ Nut* - - it "Gods and Goddesses" - NUT] * [ Nuzi* - - it "Archaeology (Mari and Nuzi)" - NOO-zee] * [ Nympha] * [ (Nymphas in some Bibles) - Nym'pha - Colossians 4:15 (g3564) - NIM-fuh (NIM-fuhs in some Bibles)] *. Cape Town Philippi residents were living in fear as the people suspected of killing six women returned to the area, a community leader said. (h6953) - koh-HEL-ith] * [ qohph, also qoph] * [ (Hebrew letter) - Qohph - Psalm 119:145 (verse heading) - KOHF, KAWF (listen)] * [ quadruped] * [ (animal, animals, beast in most Bibles) - ("beast" in NW) - Deutoronomy 14:6 By (h929) - KWAH-druh-ped'] * [ Quartus - Quar'tus - Romans 16:23 (g2890) - KWOR-tuhs] * [ quaternion - ("four soldiers" in NW) - Acts 12:4 KJ (g5069) - kwah-TUHR-nee-uhn, kwuh-] * [ quench - quench - Psalm 104:11 (h7665); Ephesians 6:16 (g4570) - KWENCH, not KWENZ] * [ Quetzalcoatl* - - g99 5/8 18 - kwet'suhl-kuh-WAH-tuhl, ket'-, -suhl-KWAH-] * [ Quintus* - - g99 11/8 21 - KWIN-tuhs] * [ Quirinius] * [ (Cyrenius in some Bibles) - Quirin'ius - Luke 2:2 (g2958) - kwih-RIN-ee-uhs, kwuhr-RIN-ee-uhs] * [ Qumran* - - it "Manuscripts of the Bible" - KOOM-rahn] * [ Qur'an*] * [ (also Quran, Koran) - - sh 290 - kuh-RAN, ku-RAHN] *. Register how to pronounce philippi in the bible - Unfortunately, this device does not support voice recording, Click the record button again to finish recording. How to Pronounce / Say Macedonia by Bible Speak Pronunciation Psalm 150:5 (h6767) - SIM-buhl] * [ cypress] * [ (compare Cyprus) - cypress - Isaiah 60:13 (h8391) - SI -pruhs] * [ Cypros* - - it "Bernice" - SI -pros] * [ Cyprus] * [ (compare Cypress) - Cy'prus - Acts 4:36 (g2953) - SI -pruhs, SI -pres] * [ Cyrene - Cyre'ne - Matthew 27:32 (g2956) - si -REE-nee] * [ Cyril* - - w01 4/15 20 - SIHR-uhl] * [ Cyrus - Cyrus, it Cy'rus - Ezra 1:1 (h3566) - SI -ruhs] *. Click the PLAY button below to hear how to pronounce Neapolis . if (verticalpos=="fromtop") Pronunciation of Philippi is with 1 audio pronunciation and more for Philippi is. On the other hand, good Biblical pronunciation will make people understand you easily and be willing to listen to you. If you're a Bible teacher, Pastor or Christian who wants to know how to pronounce those difficult Bible names correctly, look no further! or post as a guest. AudioPlayer.embed("audioplayer_6685", {soundFile: "", titles: "How to Pronounce THE_TITLE", autostart: "no", loop: "no", animation: "yes", remaining: "yes", noinfo: "no", initialvolume: "70", buffer: "5", encode: "no", checkpolicy: "no", rtl: "no", width: "100%", transparentpagebg: "no", bg: "E5E5E5", leftbg: "CCCCCC", lefticon: "333333", voltrack: "F2F2F2", volslider: "666666", rightbg: "B4B4B4", rightbghover: "999999", righticon: "333333", righticonhover: "FFFFFF", loader: "009900", track: "FFFFFF", tracker: "DDDDDD", border: "CCCCCC", skip: "666666", text: "333333"}); (1.) ; it "Jah" - dok-SOL-uh-jee] * [ drachma - drachma - Luke 15:8 (g1406) - DRAK-mah, DRAHK-mah] * [ dragoman* - - - DRAG-uh-muhn] * [ dromedary - ("young she-camel" in NW) - Jeremiah 2:23 KJ (h1072) - DRAH-muh-der'ee] * [ drought - drought - Jeremiah 17:8 (h1226) - DROUT] * [ Drusilla - Drusil'la - Acts 24:24 (g1409) - droo-SIL-uh] * [ dugong [skins]] * [ (badgers' [skins], sea cow [hides], sealskins in some Bibles) - ("sealskins" in NW) - Exodus 25:5 LITV, MKJV (h8476) - DOO-gahng, -gohng] * [ Dumah - Du'mah - Isaiah 21:11 (h1746) - DOO-muh, DOO-mah not DYOO-] * [ dungy (idols) - dungy - Leviticus 26:30 (h1544) - DUNG-ee, not DUN-jee] * [ Dura - Du'ra - Daniel 3:1 (h1753) - DUHR-uh, DYUHR-ah] *. - ZOOG-muh] * [ Zeus] * [ (Jupiter in some Bibles) - Zeus - Acts 14:12 (g2203) - ZOOS] * [ Ziba - Zi'ba - 2 Samuel 9:2 (h6717) - ZI -buh] * [ Zibia - Zib'ia - 1 Chronicles 8:9 (h6644) - ZIB-ee-uh] * [ Zichri - Zich'ri - 2 Chronicles 17:16 (h2147) - ZIK-ri, not ZIK-ree] * [ ziggurat* - - it "Archaeology" - ZIG-oo-rat] * [ Ziklag - Zik'lag - 1 Samuel 27:6 (h6860) - ZIK-lag] * [ Zilpah - Zil'pah - Genesis 30:9 (h2153) - ZIL-puh, ZIL-pah] * [ Zimri - Zim'ri - Numbers 25:14 (h2174) - ZIM-ri, not ZIM-ree] * [ Zion - Zion, it Zi'on - Psalm 2:6 (h6726) - ZI -uhn] * [ Ziph - Ziph - 1 Samuel 23:15 (h2128) - ZIF] * [ Zipporah - Zippo'rah - Exodus 2:21 (h6855) - zih-POR-uh, zih-POH-rah] * [ zither] * [ (harp, lute, lyres in some Bibles) - zither - Daniel 3:5 (h7030) - ZITH-uhr (listen), ZITH-] * [ Ziv] * [ (aka Iyar)] * [ (Zif in some Bibles) - Ziv - 1 Kings 6:1 (h2099) - ZIV] * [ Zoan - Zo'an - Numbers 13:22 (h6814) - ZOH-uhn, ZOH-an] * [ Zoar - Zo'ar - Genesis 19:22 (h6820) - ZOH-ahr, not ZOHR] * [ Zophar - Zo'phar - Job 2:11 (h6691) - ZOH-fahr] * [ Zoroaster*] * [ (aka Zarathustra) - - dp 151 - zoh'roh-AS-tuhr, ZAWR-oh-as'tuhr, ZOHR-, zawr'oh-AS-tuhr, zohr'- (listen)] * [ Zorobabel - ("Zerubbabel" in NW) - Matthew 1:12 Da, DRB, KJ (g2216) - zoh-ROB-uh-buhl] * [ Zuzim - Zu'zim - Genesis 14:5 (h2104) - ZOO-zim], Biblical Names Alpha List Showing How Many Of Each Name In The Bible, Aaron 1, Abaddon 1, Abagtha 1, Abda 2, Abdeel 1, Abdi 3, Abdiel 1, Abdon 4, Abednego 1, Abel 1, Abialbon 1, Abiasaph 1, Abiathar 1, Abida 1, Abidan 1, Abiel 2, Abiezer 2, Abigail 2, Abihail 5, Abihu 1, Abihud 1, Abijah 8, Abimael 1, Abimelech 5, Abinadab 3, Abinoam 1, Abiram 2, Abishag 1, Abishai 1, Abishua 2, Abishur 1, Abital 1, Abitub 1, Abiud 1, Abner 1, Abraham 1, Absalom 2, Achaicus 1, Achan 1, Achbor 2, Achim 1, Achish 2, Achsah 1, Adah 2, Adaiah 8, Adalia 1, Adam 1, Adbeel 1, Addar 1, Addi 1, Adiel 3, Adin 3, Adina 1, Adino 1, Adlai 1, Admatha 1, Adna 2, Adnah 2, Adonibezek 1, Adonijah 3, Adonikam 1, Adoniram 1, Adonizedek 1, Adrammelech 2, Adriel 1, Aeneas 1, Agabus 1, Agag 2, Agee 1, Agrippa 1, Agur 1, Ahab 2, Aharhel 1, Ahasbai 1, Ahasuerus 2, Ahaz 2, Ahaziah 2, Ahban 1, Aher 1, Ahi 2, Ahiah 2, Ahiam 1, Ahian 1, Ahiezer 2, Ahihud 1, Ahijah 7, Ahikam 1, Ahilud 1, Ahimaaz 2, Ahiman 2, Ahimelech 3, Ahimoth 1, Ahinadab 1, Ahinoam 2, Ahio 3, Ahira 1, Ahisamach 1, Ahishahar 1, Ahishar 1, Ahithophel 1, Ahitub 3, Ahlai 2, Aholiab 1, Ahumai 1, Ahuzzam 1, Ahuzzath 1, Ahzai 1, Aiah 2, Akan 1, Akkub 4, Alemeth 3, Alexander 4, Alexandria 1 Allon 1, Almodad 1, Alphaeus 2, Alvah 1, Alvan 1, Amal 1, Amalek 1, Amariah 9, Amasa 2, Amasai 4, Amashai 1, Amasiah 1, Amaziah 4, Amittai 1, Ammiel 4, Ammihud 5, Amminadab 4, Amminadib 1, Ammishaddai 1, Ammizabad 1, Amnon 2, Amok 1, Amon 4, Amos 1, Amoz 1, Ampliatus 1, Amram 2, Amraphel 1, Amzi 2, Anah 3, Anaiah 2, Anak 1, Anammelech 1, Anan 1, Anani 1, Ananiah 1, Ananias 3, Anath 1, Anathoth 2, Andrew 1, Andronicus 1, Aner 1, Aniam 1, Anna 1, Annas 1, Antipas 1, Antothiah 1, Anub 1, Apelles 1, Aphiah 1, Aphses 1, Apollos 1, Apollyon 1, Apphia 1, Aquila 1, Arad 1, Arah 3, Aram 3, Aran 1, Araunah 1, Arba 1, Archelaus 1, Archippus 1, Arcturus 1, Ard 2, Ardon 1, Areli 1, Aretas 1, Argob 1, Aridai 1, Aridatha 1, Arieh 1, Ariel 2, Arioch 2, Arisai 1, Aristarchus 1, Aristobulus 1, Armoni 1, Arnan 1, Arodi 1, Arphaxad 1, Artaxerxes 1, Artemas 1, Artemis 1, Arza 1, Asa 2, Asahel 4, Asaiah 5, Asaph 5, Asarel 1, Asarelah 1, Asenath 1, Ashbel 1, Asher 1, Ashhur 1, Ashima 1, Ashkenaz 1, Ashpenaz 1, Ashtoreth 1, Ashvath 1, Asiel 1, Asnah 1, Asnapper 1, Aspatha 1, Asriel 1, Asshur 1, Assir 3, Asyncritus 1, Atarah 1, Ater 3, Athaiah 1, Athaliah 3, Athlai 1, Attai 3, Augustus 1, Azaliah 1, Azaniah 1, Azarel 5, Azariah 23, Azaz 1, Azazel 1, Azaziah 3, Azbuk 1, Azel 1, Azgad 3, Aziel 1, Aziza 1, Azmaveth 4, Azor 1, Azriel 3, Azrikam 4, Azubah 2, Azzan 1, Azzur 3, Baal 3, Baalberith 1, Baalhanan 2, Baali 1, Baalis 1, Baalpeor 1, Baalzebub 1, Baana 2, Baanah 4, Baara 1, Baaseiah 1, Baasha 1, Bakbakkar 1, Bakbuk 1, Bakbukiah 1, Balaam 1, Baladan 1, Balak 1, Bani 8, Barabbas 1, Barak 1, Barakel 1, Bariah 1, Barjesus 1, Barjona 1, Barkos 1, Barnabas 1, Barsabas 2, Bartholomew 1, Bartimaeus 1, Baruch 2, Barzillai 3, Basemath 1, Basmath 1, Bathsheba 1, Bathshua 1, Bazluth 1, Bealiah 1, Bebai 3, Becher 2, Bechorath 1, Bedad 1, Bedan 2, Bedeiah 1, Beeliada 1, Beelzebub 1, Beera 1, Beerah 1, Beeri 2, Bela 3, Belial 1, Belshazzar 1, Belteshazzar 1, Benabinadab 1, Benaiah 12, Benammi 1, Bendekar 1, Bengeber 1, Benhadad 3, Benhanan 1, Benhayil 1, Benhesed 1, Benhur 1, Beninu 1, Benjamin 4, Beno 1, Benob 1, Benoni 1, Benzoheth 1, Beor 2, Bera 1, Beraiah 1, Berakah 1, Berechiah 5, Bered 1, Beri 1, Beriah 4, Bernice 1, Besai 1, Besodeiah 1, Beth 1, Bethany 2, Bethel 3, Bethlehem 2, Bethsaida 2, Bethuel 1, Beulah 1, Bezai 2, Bezalel 2, Bezer 1, Bichri 1, Bidkar 1, Bigtha 1, Bigthan 1, Bigvai 2, Bildad 1, Bilgah 2, Bilgai 1, Bilhah 1, Bilhan 2, Bilshan 1, Bimhal 1, Binea 1, Binnui 4, Birsha 1, Birzaith 1, Bishlam 1, Bithiah 1, Biztha 1, Blastus 1, Boanerges 1, Boaz 1, Bocheru 1, Bukki 2, Bukkiah 1, Bunah 1, Bunni 3, Buz 2, Buzi 1, Caesar 2 titlesCaiaphas 1, Cain 1, Cainan 1, Calcol 2, Caleb 3, Canaan 1, Candace 1, Carcas 1, Carmel 2, Carmi 3, Carpus 1, Carshena 1, Castor 1, Cephas 1, Cheran 1, Chilion 1, Chloe 1, Christ 1 titleChuza 1, Cileab 1, Claudia 1, Claudius 2, Clement 1, Cleopas 1, Clopas 1, Colhozeh 1, Conaniah 2, Coniah 1, Cornelius 1, Cosam 1, Coz 1, Cozbi 1, Crescens 1, Crispus 1, Cush 2, Cushanrishathaim 1, Cushi 2, Cyrus 1, Dagon 1, Dalphon 1, Damaris 1, Dan 1, Daniel 3, Darda 1, Darius 3, Darkon 1, Dathan 1, David 1, Debir 1, Deborah 2, Dedan 2, Delaiah 5, Delilah 1, Demas 1, Demetrius 2, Devil 1 titleDiana 1, Diblaim 1, Dibri 1, Didymus 1, Diklah 1, Dinah 1, Dionysius 1, Diotrephes 1, Dishan 1, Dishon 2, Dodai 1, Dodavahu 1, Dodo 2, Doeg 1, Dorcas 1, Drusilla 1, Dumah 1, Ebal 1, Ebed 2, Ebedmelech 1, Ebenezer 1, Eber 4, Ebiasaph 1, Eden 2), 2, Eder 2, Edom 1, Eglah 1, Eglon 1, Ehi 1, Ehud 2, Eker 1, El 1, Eladah 1, Elah 6, Elam 9, Elasah 4, Eldaah 1, Eldad 1, Elead 1, Eleazar 7, Elhanan 2, Eli 1, Eliab 6, Eliada 3, Eliahba 1, Eliakim 5, Eliam 2, Eliasaph 2, Eliashib 7, Eliathah 1, Elidad 1, Eliehoenai 2, Eliel 9, Elienai 1, Eliezer 11, Elihoreph 1, Elihu 5, Elijah 4, Elika 1, Elimelech 1, Elioenai 6, Eliphaz 2, Eliphelehu 1, Eliphelet 6, Elisha 1, Elishah 1, Elishama 6, Elishaphat 1, Elisheba 1, Elishua 1, Eliud 1, Elizabeth 1, Elizaphan 2, Elizur 1, Elkanah 8, Elmadam 1, Elnaam 1, Elnathan 5, Elon 3, Elpaal 1, Eluzai 1, Elymas 1, Elzabad 2, Enan 1, Enoch 4, Enosh 1, Epaenetus 1, Epaphras 1, Epaphroditus 1, Ephah 3, Ephai 1, Epher 3, Ephlal 1, Ephod 1, Ephraim 2, Ephrath 1, Ephron 1, Er 3, Eran 1, Erastus 2, Eri 1, Esarhaddon 1, Esau 1, Eshbaal 1, Eshban 1, Eshcol 2, Eshek 1, Eshtemoa 1, Eshton 1, Esli 1, Esther 1, Etam 1, Ethan 4, Ethbaal 1, Ethnan 1, Ethni 1, Eubulus 1, Eunice 1, Euodia 1, Eutychus 1, Eve 1, Evi 1, Evilmerodach 1, Ezbai 1, Ezbon 2, Ezekiel 1, Ezer 6, Ezra 3, Ezri 1, Felix 1, Festus 1, Fortunatus 1, Gaal 1, Gabbai 1, Gabriel 1, Gad 2, Gaddi 1, Gaddiel 1, Gadi 1, Gaham 1, Gahar 1, Gaius 4, Galal 2, Gallio 1, Gamaliel 2, Gamul 1, Gareb 1, Gatam 1, Gazez 1, Gazzam 1, Geber 1, Gedaliah 5, Gedor 1, Gehazi 1, Gemalli 1, Gemariah 2, Genubath 1, Gera 5, Gershom 3, Gershon 1, Geshan 1, Geshem 1, Gether 1, Gethsemane 1, Geuel 1, Gibbar 1, Gibea 1, Giddalti 1, Giddel 2, Gideon 1, Gideoni 1, Gilalai 1, Gilead 3, Ginath 1, Ginnethon 1, Gishpa 1, Gog 2, Goliath 1, Gomer 2, Guni 2, Haahashtari 1, Habakkuk 1, Habazziniah 1, Hacaliah 1, Hadad 4, Hadadezer 1, Hadassah 1, Hades 1, Hadlai 1, Hadoram 3, Hagab 1, Hagabah 1, Hagar 1, Haggai 1, Haggedolim 1, Haggi 1, Haggiah 1, Haggith 1, Hagri 1, Hakkatan 1, Hakkoz 2, Hakupha 1, Hallohesh 1, Ham 1, Haman 1, Hammedatha 1, Hammelech 1, Hammoleketh 1, Hammuel 1, Hamor 1, Hamul 1, Hamutal 1, Hanamel 1, Hanan 7, Hanani 6, Hananiah 14, Hannah 1, Hanniel 2, Hanun 3, Happizzez 1, Haran 3, Harbona 1, Hareph 1, Harhaiah 1, Harhas 1, Harhur 1, Harim 6, Hariph 2, Harnepher 1, Haroeh 1, Harsha 1, Harum 1, Harumaph 1, Haruz 1, Hasadiah 1, Hashabiah 12, Hashabnah 1, Hashabniah 2, Hashbaddanah 1, Hashem 1, Hashenaah 1, Hashmonah 1, Hashubah 1, Hashum 2, Hasrah 1, Hassenuah 1, Hasshub 4, Hassophereth 1, Hasupha 1, Hathach 1, Hathath 1, Hatipha 1, Hatita 1, Hattil 1, Hattush 5, Havilah 2, Hazael 1, Hazaiah 1, Hazarmoth 1, Hazelelponi 1, Haziel 1, Hazo 1, Heber 5, Hebron 2, Hegai 1, Helah 1, Heldai 2, Heled 1, Helek 1, Helem 1, Helez 2, Heli 1, Helkai 1, Helon 1, Hemam 1, Heman 2, Hemath 1, Hemdan 1, Hen 1, Henadad 1, Hepher 3, Hephzibah 2, Heresh 1, Hermas 1, Hermes 2, Hermogenes 1, Herod 4, Herodias 1, Herodion 1, Heth 1, Hezekiah 4, Hezion 1, Hezir 2, Hezro 1, Hezron 2, Hiddai 1, Hiel 1, Hilkiah 8, Hillel 1, Hirah 1, Hiram 2, Hizki 1, Hobab 1, Hobaiah 1, Hod 1, Hodaviah 4, Hodesh 1, Hodiah 3, Hoglah 1, Hoham 1, Hophni 1, Hophra 1, Horam 1, Hori 2, Hosah 1, Hosea 1, Hoshaiah 2, Hoshama 1, Hoshea 4, Hotham 2, Hothir 1, Hubbah 1, Hul 1, Huldah 1, Hupham 1, Huppah 1, Huppim 1, Hur 6, Hurai 1, Huram 1, Huri 1, Hushah 1, Hushai 1, Husham 1, Hushim 1, Hymenaeus 1, Ibhar 1, Ibneiah 1, Ibri 1, Ibsam 1, Ibzan 1, Ichabod 1, Idbash 1, Iddo 6, Igal 3, Igdaliah 1, Ikkesh 1, Ilai 1, Imla 1, Immanuel 1, Immer 5, Imna 1, Imnah 2, Imrah 1, Imri 2, Iphedeiah 1, Ir 1, Ira 3, Irad 1, Iram 1, Iri 1, Irijah 1, Irnahash 1, Iru 1, Isaac 1, Isaiah 5, Iscah 1, Iscariot 1, Ishbah 1, Ishbak 1, Ishbosheth 2, Ishhod 1, Ishi 4, Ishijah 1, Ishma 1, Ishmael 6, Ishmaiah 2, Ishmerai 1, Ishpah 1, Ishpan 1, Ishvah 1, Ishvi 2, Ismachiah 1, Israel 1, Issachar 1, Isshiah 4, Ithamar 1, Ithiel 2, Ithmah 1, Ithran 2, Ithream 1, Ittai 2, Izhar 1, Izrahiah 1, Izri 1, Izziah 1, Jaakan 1, Jaakobah 1, Jaala 1, Jaalam 1, Jaanai 1, Jaareshiah 1, Jaasau 1, Jaasiel 1, Jaazaniah 4, Jaaziah 1, Jaaziel 1, Jabal 1, Jabesh 1, Jabez 1, Jabin 2, Jachan 1, Jachin 3, Jacob 1, Jada 1, Jaddai 1, Jaddua 2, Jadon 1, Jael 1, Jahath 5, Jahaziel 5, Jahdai 1, Jahdiel 1, Jahdo 1, Jahleel 1, Jahmai 1, Jahzeel 1, Jahzeiah 1, Jahzerah 1, Jair 4, Jairus 1, Jakeh 1, Jakim 2, Jalon 1, Jambres 1, James 4, Jamin 3, Jamlech 1, Jannai 1, Jannes 1, Japheth 1, Japhia 2, Jarah 1, Jareb 1, Jared 1, Jarha 1, Jarib 3, Jaroah 1, Jashar 1, Jashen 1, Jashobeam 2, Jashub 2, Jashubilehem 1, Jason 1, Jathniel 1, Javan 1, Jaziz 1, Jeaterai 1, Jeberechiah 1, Jecoliah 1, Jedaiah 5, Jediael 4, Jedidah 1, Jedidiah 1, Jeduthun 1, Jeezer 1, Jehallelel 2, Jehath 1, Jehdeiah 2, Jehezkel 1, Jehiah 1, Jehiel 10, Jehieli 1, Jehizkiah 1, Jehoaddah 1, Jehoaddin 1, Jehoahaz 3, Jehoash 1, Jehohanan 6, Jehoiachin 1, Jehoiada 5, Jehoiakim 1, Jehoiarib 2, Jehonathan 2, Jehoram 2, Jehoshaphat 4, Jehosheba 1, Jehozabad 3, Jehozadak 1, Jehu 5, Jehubbah 1, Jehucal 1, Jehudi 1, Jehudijah 1, Jeiel 10, Jekameam 1, Jekamiah 2, Jekuthiel 1, Jemimah 1, Jemuel 1, Jephthah 1, Jephunneh 2, Jerah 1, Jerahmeel 3, Jered 1, Jeremai 1, Jeremiah 7, Jeremoth 5, Jeriah 1, Jeribai 1, Jericho 1, Jeriel 1, Jerimoth 7, Jerioth 1, Jeroboam 2, Jeroham 7, Jerubbaal 1, Jerubbesheth 1, Jerusalem 1, Jerusha 1, Jeshaiah 6, Jeshebeab 1, Jesher 1, Jeshishai 1, Jeshohaiah 1, Jeshua 10, Jesimel 1, Jesse 1, Jesus 2, Jether 5, Jetheth 1, Jethro 1, Jetur 1, Jeuel 3, Jeush 5, Jeuz 1, Jezaniah 1, Jezebel 1, Jezer 1, Jeziel 1, Jezliah 1, Jezoar 1, Jezrahiah 2, Jezreel 1, Jibsam 1, Jidlaph 1, Joab 3, Joah 4, Joahaz 1, Joanna 1, Joash 7, Job 1, Jobab 5, Jochebed 1, Joda 1, Joed 1, Joel 14, Joelah 1, Joezer 1, Jogli 1, Joha 2, Johanan 12, John 5, Joiada 2, Joiakim 1, Joiarib 4, Jokim 1, Jokshan 1, Joktan 1, Jonadab 2, Jonah 1, Jonam 1, Jonathan 14, Jorah 1, Jorai 1, Joram 3, Jordan 1, Jorim 1, Jorkoam 1, Josech 1, Joseph 14, Joshah 1, Joshaphat 2, Joshaviah 1, Joshbekashah 1, Joshibiah 1, Joshua 4, Josiah 2, Josiphiah 1, Jotham 3, Jozabad 10, Jozachar 1, Jubal 1, Judah 6, Judas 6, Jude 1, Judith 1, Julia 1, Julius 1, Junia 1, Jushabhesed 1, Justus 3, Kadmiel 2, Kallai 1, Kareah 1, Kedar 1, Kedemah 1, Kedorlaomer 1, Keilah 1, Kelaiah 1, Kelal 1, Kelub 2, Keluhi 1, Kemosh 1, Kemuel 3, Kenaanah 2, Kenan 1, Kenani 1, Kenaniah 2, Kenaz 4, Kerenhappuch 1, Keros 1, Kerub 1, Kesed 1, Keturah 1, Keziah 1, Kimham 1, Kish 5, Kishi 1, Kislon 1, Kohath 1, Kolaiah 2, Korah 4, Kore 2, Laadah 1, Laadan 2, Laban 1, Lael 1, Lahad 1, Lahmi 1, Laish 1, Lamech 2, Lappidoth 1, Lazarus 2, Leah 1, Lebanah 1, Lebbaeus 1, Lehi 1, Lemuel 1, Levi 4, Libni 2, Likhi 1, Linus 1, Loammi 1, Lois 1, Loruhamah 1, Lot 1, Lotan 1, Lucifer 1, Lucius 2, Lud 1, Luke 1, Lydia 1, Lysanias 1, Lysias 1, Maachah 9, Maadai 1, Maadiah 1, Maai 1, Maasai 1, Maaseiah 18, Maath 1, Maaz 1, Maaziah 2, Machbanai 1, Machbenah 1, Machi 1, Machir 2, Madai 1, Madmannah 1, Magbish 1, Magdala 1, Magdalene 1, Magdiel 1, Magog 1, Magormissabib 1, Magpiash 1, Mahalalel 2, Mahalath 2, Maharai 1, Mahasham 1, Mahath 2, Mahazioth 1, Mahershalalhashbaz 1, Mahlah 2, Mahli 2, Mahlon 1, Mahol 1, Maknadebai 1, Malachi 1, Malcham 1, Malchiah 13, Malchiel 1, Malchiram 1, Malchishua 1, Malchus 1, Mallothi 1, Malluch 6, Mamre 1, Manaen 1, Manahath 1, Manasseh 5, Manoah 1, Maoch 1, Maon 1, Mara 1, Marduk 1, Mareshah 1, Mark 1, Marsena 1, Martha 1, Mary 6, Mash 1, Massa 1, Matred 1, Matri 1, Mattan 2, Mattaniah 10, Mattatha 1, Mattathias 2, Mattattah 1, Mattenai 3, Matthan 1, Matthat 2, Matthew 1, Matthias 1, Mattithiah 5, Mebunnai 1, Medad 1, Medan 1, Mehetabel 2, Mehida 1, Mehir 1, Mehujael 1, Mehuman 1, Melatiah 1, Melchi 2, Melchizedek 1, Melea 1, Melech 1, Memucan 1, Menahem 1, Meni 1, Menna 1, Meonenim 1, Meonothai 1, Mephibosheth 2, Merab 1, Meraiah 1, Meraioth 3, Merari 1, Mered 1, Meremoth 4, Meres 1, Meribbaal 1, Merodachbaladan 1, Mesha 3, Meshach 1, Meshech 1, Meshelemiah 1, Meshezabel 3, Meshillemith 1, Meshillemoth 2, Meshobab 1, Meshullam 21, Meshullemeth 1, Messiah 1 titleMethuselah 1, Methushael 1, Mezahab 1, Mibhar 1, Mibsam 2, Mibzar 1, Mica 1, Micah 7, Micaiah 5, Michael 10, Michal 1, Micri 1, Midian 1, Mijamin 4, Mikloth 2, Mikneiah 1, Milalai 1, Milcah 2, Milcom 1, Miniamin 3, Miriam 2, Mirmah 1, Mishael 3, Misham 1, Mishma 2, Mishmannah 1, Mispar 1, Mithredath 2, Mizraim 1, Mizzah 1, Mnason 1, Moab 1, Molech 1, Molid 1, Mordecai 1, Moriah 1, Moses 1, Moza 2, Muppim 1, Mushi 1, Myra 1, Naam 1, Naamah 2, Naaman 4, Naarah 1, Naarai 1, Nabal 1, Naboth 1, Nachon 1, Nadab 4, Naggai 1, Naham 1, Nahamani 1, Naharai 1, Nahash 3, Nahath 3, Nahbi 1, Nahor 2, Nahshon 1, Nahum 2, Naomi 1, Naphish 1, Naphtali 1, Narcissus 1, Nathan 6, Nathanael 1, Nathanmelech 1, Nazarene 1 titleNazareth 1, Neariah 2, Nebai 1, Nebaioth 1, Nebat 1, Nebo 2, Nebuchadnezzar 1, Nebusarsekim 1, Nebushazban 1, Nebuzaradan 1, Necho 1, Nedabiah 1, Nehemiah 3, Nehushta 1, Nekoda 1, Nemuel 2, Nepheg 2, Ner 2, Nereus 1, Nergal 1, Nergalsarezer 2, Neri 1, Neriah 1, Nethanel 10, Nethaniah 4, Neziah 1, Nezib 1, Nibhaz 1, Nicanor 1, Nicodemus 1, Nicolas 1, Niger 1, Nimrod 1, Nimshi 1, Nisroch 1, Noadiah 2, Noah 2, Nobah 1, Nod 1, Nogah 1, Nohah 1, Nun 1, Nympha 1, Obadiah 13, Obal 1, Obed 5, Obededom 3, Obil 1, Ochran 1, Oded 2, Og 1, Ohad 1, Ohel 1, Oholah 1, Oholibah 1, Oholibamah 2, Olympas 1, Omar 1, Omri 4, On 1, Onam 1, Onan 1, Onesimus 1, Onesiphorus 1, Ophir 1, Ophrah 1, Oreb 1, Oren 1, Orion 1, Orpah 1, Othni 1, Othniel 1, Ozem 2, Ozni 1, Paarai 1, Padon 1, Pagiel 1, Pahathmoab 1, Palel 1, Pallu 1, Palti 2, Paltiel 1, Parmashta 1, Parmenas 1, Parnach 1, Parosh 1, Parshandatha 1, Paruah 1, Pasach 1, Paseah 3, Pashhur 3, Patrobas 1, Paul 1, Paulus 1, Pedahel 1, Pedahzur 1, Pedaiah 7, Pekah 1, Pekahiah 1, Pelaiah 2, Pelaliah 1, Pelatiah 4, Peleg 1, Pelet 2, Peleth 2, Peninnah 1, Penuel 2, Peresh 1, Perez 1, Persis 1, Peruda 1, Peter 1, Pethahiah 4, Pethuel 1, Peulthai 1, Phanuel 1, Pharaoh 8 titlesPhicol 1, Philemon 1, Philetus 1, Philip 3, Philologus 1, Phinehas 3, Phlegon 1, Phoebe 1, Phygelus 1, Pilate 1, Pildash 1, Pilha 1, Piltai 1, Pinon 1, Piram 1, Pispah 1, Pithon 1, Pocherethhazzebaim 1, Pollux 1, Pontius 1, Poratha 1, Porcius 1, Potiphar 1, Potiphera 1, Priscilla 1, Prochorus 1, Pua 1, Puah 2, Publius 1, Pudens 1, Pul 1, Purah 1, Put 1, Putiel 1, Pyrrhus 1, Quartus 1, Quirinus 1, Raamah 1, Raamiah 1, Rabmag 1, Rabsaris 1, Rabshakeh 1, Rachel 1, Raddai 1, Rahab 2, Raham 1, Rakem 1, Ram 3, Ramiah 1, Rapha 1, Raphah 1, Raphu 1, Reaiah 3, Reba 1, Rebecca 1, Rechab 3, Reelaiah 1, Regem 1, Regemmelech 1, Rehabiah 1, Rehob 2, Rehoboam 1, Rehum 5, Rei 1, Rekem 2, Remaliah 1, Rephael 1, Rephah 1, Rephaiah 4, Rephan 1, Resheph 1, Reu 1, Reuben 1, Reuel 4, Reumah 1, Rezia 1, Rezin 2, Rezon 1, Rhesa 1, Rhoda 1, Ribai 1, Rimmon 2, Rinnah 1, Riphath 1, Rizpah 1, Rodanim 1, Rohgah 1, Romamtiezer 1, Rosh 1, Rufus 2, Ruhamah 1, Ruth 1, Sabtah 1, Sabtecha 1, Sacar 2, Sachiah 1, Sallai 1, Sallu 2, Salmon 1, Salome 2, Salu 1, Samgarnebo 1, Samlah 1, Samson 1, Samuel 2, Sanballat 1, Saph 1, Sapphira 1, Sarah 1, Saraph 1, Sargon 1, Satan 1, Saul 5, Sceva 1, Seba 1, Secundus 1, Segub 2, Seir 1, Seled 1, Semachiah 1, Semein 1, Senaah 1, Sennacherib 1, Seorim 1, Serah 1, Seraiah 10, Sered 1, Sergius 1, Serug 1, Seth 1, Sethur 1, Shaaph 2, Shaashgaz 1, Shabbethai 1, Shaddai 1, Shadrach 1, Shage 1, Shaharaim 1, Shallum 14, Shallun 1, Shalmai 1, Shalman 1, Shalmaneser 1, Shama 1, Shamed 1, Shamgar 1, Shamir 1, Shamma 1, Shammah 4, Shammua 4, Shamsherai 1, Shapham 1, Shaphan 4, Shaphat 5, Sharai 1, Sharar 1, Sharezer 2, Sharon 1, Shashai 1, Shashak 1, Shavsha 1, Sheal 1, Shealtiel 1, Sheariah 1, Shearjashub 1, Sheba 6), 1, Shebaniah 5, Sheber 1, Shebna 2, Shecaniah 9, Shechem 3, Shedeur 1, Shehariah 1, Shelah 3, Shelemiah 8, Sheleph 1, Shelesh 1, Shelomi 1, Shelomith 4, Shelomoth 4, Shelumiel 1, Shem 1, Shema 4, Shemaah 1, Shemaiah 27, Shemariah 4, Shemeber 1, Shemer 2, Shemida 1, Shemiramoth 2, Shemuel 1, Shenazzar 1, Shephatiah 10, Shepho 1, Shephuphan 1, Sherah 1, Sherebiah 4, Sheresh 1, Sheshai 1, Sheshan 1, Sheshbazzar 1, Sheth 1, Shethar 1, Shetharbozenai 1, Sheva 2, Shilhi 1, Shillem 1, Shiloh 1, Shilshah 1, Shimea 3, Shimeah 1, Shimeath 1, Shimei 20, Shimeon 1, Shimon 1, Shimrath 1, Shimri 4, Shimrith 1, Shimron 1, Shimshai 1, Shinab 1, Shiphi 1, Shiphrah 1, Shiphtan 1, Shisha 1, Shishak 1, Shitrai 1, Shiza 1, Shobab 2, Shobach 1, Shobai 1, Shobal 3, Shobek 1, Shobi 1, Shoham 1, Shomer 2, Shophach 1, Shua 2, Shuah 2, Shual 1, Shubael 3, Shuham 1, Shuni 1, Shupham 1, Shuppim 1, Shuthelah 2, Sia 1, Sibbechai 1, Sidon 1, Sihon 1, Silas 1, Simeon 4, Simon 9, Sisamai 1, Sisera 2, Sithri 1, So 1, Soco 1, Sodi 1, Solomon 1, Sopater 1, Sophereth 1, Sosthenes 1, Sotai 1, Stachys 1, Stephanas 1, Stephen 1, Suah 1, Succothbenoth 1, Susanna 1, Susi 1, Syntyche 1, Tabbaoth 1, Tabeel 2, Tabitha 1, Tabrimon 1, Tahan 2, Tahash 1, Tahath 3, Tahpenes 1, Talitha 1 titleTalmai 2, Talmon 1, Tamar 3, Tammuz 1, Tanhumeth 1, Taphath 1, Tappuah 1, Tarea 1, Tarshish 3, Tartak 1, Tattenai 1, Tebah 1, Tebaliah 1, Tehinnah 1, Tekoa 1, Telah 1, Telem 1, Tema 1, Temah 1, Teman 2, Temeni 1, Terah 1, Teresh 1, Tertius 1, Tertullus 1, Thaddaeus 1, Theophilus 1, Theudas 1, Thomas 1, Tiberius 1, Tibni 1, Tidal 1, Tiglathpileser 1, Tikvah 2, Tilon 1, Timaeus 1, Timna 4, Timon 1, Timothy 1, Tiras 1, Tirhakah 1, Tirhanah 1, Tiria 1, Tirzah 1, Titius 1, Titus 1, Toah 1, Tobadonijah 1, Tobiah 2, Tobijah 2, Togarmah 1, Tohu 1, Toi 1, Tola 2, Trophimus 1, Tryphena 1, Tryphosa 1, Tubal 1, Tubalcain 1, Tychicus 1, Tyrannus 1, Ucal 1, Uel 1, Ulam 2, Ulla 1, Unni 2, Ur 1, Urban 1, Uri 3, Uriah 5, Uriel 3, Uthai 2, Uz 3, Uzai 1, Uzal 1, Uzza 4, Uzzah 1, Uzzi 7, Uzziah 5, Uzziel 5, Vaizatha 1, Vaniah 1, Vashni 1, Vashti 1, Vophsi 1, Yahweh 1, Zaavan 1, Zabad 7, Zabbai 2, Zabbud 1, Zabdi 4, Zabdiel 2, Zabud 1, Zaccai 1, Zacchaeus 1, Zaccur 8, Zadok 10, Zaham 1, Zalaph 1, Zalmon 1, Zalmunna 1, Zanoah 1, Zaphenathpaneah 1, Zattu 1, Zaza 1, Zebadiah 9, Zebah 1, Zebedee 1, Zebidah 1, Zebina 1, Zebul 1, Zebulun 1, Zechariah 31, Zedekiah 6, Zeeb 1, Zelek 1, Zelophehad 1, Zemira 1, Zenas 1, Zephaniah 4, Zepho 1, Zerah 7, Zerahiah 2, Zeresh 1, Zereth 1, Zeri 1, Zeror 1, Zeruah 1, Zerubbabel 1, Zeruiah 1, Zetham 1, Zethan 1, Zethar 1, Zeus 1, Zia 1, Ziba 1, Zibeon 2, Zibia 1, Zibiah 1, Zichri 11, Ziha 2, Zillah 1, Zillethai 2, Zilpah 1, Zimmah 3, Zimran 1, Zimri 5, Zion 1, Ziph 2, Ziphah 1, Ziphion 1, Zippor 1, Zipporah 1, Ziza 3, Zobebah 1, Zohar 2, Zoheth 1, Zophah 1, Zophai 1, Zophar 1, Zuar 1, Zuph 1, Zur 2, Zuriel 1, Zurishaddai 1.