Did he ever do any amusing things around Nautilus? Mike continued to train and excelled in the gym and his academic pursuits. He was found dead in his apartment, due to heart complications, by his younger brother and fellow bodybuilder Ray Mentzer. Drew Baye: Shoot straight with us. Since they involve no movement and have no potential for negative work, which hypothetically would produce little microtrauma, what do you think of their value for stimulating muscular size increases relative to full-range exercise? However, a number of trainees seem to suffer overtraining even from such brief workouts once they genuinely achieve an intense level of effort. Perhaps during the early 1970s, when he was training so many bodybuilders, it was simply easier to drive home intensity, than be so concerned with form. Theres probably a few more, but I cant recall them right now. Work out no more than three days per week. Dumbell Flye Best arms: three-way tie among Casey Viator, Sergio Oliva, and Boyer Coe Best chest: Arnold Schwarzenegger Best shoulders: Scott Wilson Best back: Dorian Yates Best thighs: Tom Platz Best calves: Chris Dickerson Best forearms: Casey Viator Best abdominals: Frank Zane Most muscular: Sergio Oliva Best overall first impression: Boyer Coe at the 1965 Mr. Texas contest Strongest during multiple workouts: Ray Mentzer Best consistent workout form: Robert Berg, a bodybuilder and a medical doctor from Stuart, Florida. Ray noticed physical changes in him that soon produced results. Likewise, the indirect effect ought to be greater as well. Joe Weider rehired Mike in the fall of that year, but after six months, Mentzer left to assume the editorship of Workout, a newly launched magazine. Rest 2 to 3 minutes In actuality, Rays diet was largely composed of carbohydrates. No one could motivate Casey the way Arthur could. It was the essential basic Heavy Duty routine consisting of four to five sets per bodypart and broken into two workouts. It was a combination of factors that made Yates so huge I figure. Net Worth, Partner, Biography. The video, available on Youtube, shows Mike and his brother Ray, train Markus Reinhardt at the Angel City Fitness gym in Los Angeles. Whole-body routines: To quote Arthur Jones, Split routines make about as much sense as sleeping with one eye open. Each routine in the new HIT features at least some exercise for both your upper body and lower body. I never attended because I worked at a club. His left arm was 19 inches. Here is a sample Ray Mentzer style high intensity training workout routine: Monday Annabel DaSilva Workout Routine, Diet Plan, Exercise, Body Measurements, Who is Josh Dallas? Here's what he would have for lunch: He achieved the same in the AAU Mr. America competition one year later. Remembered for their contributions to bodybuilding and their influence on how people train forever. And what a training session it was. He always trained alone, after finishing his day job. According to him, 1-2-3 diets (fat-carb-protien)aminos, vitamins, and a strict training routine is much much better than juice. I thought Mike would have thrived being around Nautilus and Arthur Jones. Body Building Links. Ken was sitting next to me and we began sorting through our strength-training slides, since we had both given talks using a 35mm-slide projector earlier in the day. (The before-and-after photos confirmed that also.) Also I put Steve Reeves through a workout in 1978, as well as Frank Zane and Bob Guida. DW: I was wondering when you talk about training 20 sets for the biceps 3 times a week, what you think about the lower-volume, high-intensity training that Mike and Ray Mentzer use. Of all the champions Ive known and trained with I probably get the most questions about Mike Mentzer and his brother Ray. So a quality, set of curls ought to take longer to recover from that is used to, 20 muscular pounds and an inch of size ago. Because organized properly, you get better results. "For a while Mike and I strayed from our high intensity, heavy poundage workouts into a program using lighter weights and higher reps. When Ray had the Muscle Mill in Redondo Beach, there was a guy named Ross who worked for Universal Studio as a stage manan experienced machinist. Incline barbell bench press (5 sets, 6-8 reps) Back Workout On this back routine, Mentzer hit 5 different exercises. Arthur Jones had some of that ability, too. Drew Baye: In your book, you also mention Mikes younger brother Ray. . Mentzer is a man of enormous natural talentpotential no less notable than other bodybuilders who know little of high intensity. No other HIT books covers NTF training. Born in 1941, Franco Columbu was a Strongman competitor and bodybuilder who won two Mr. Olympia titles: in 1976 and 1981. At the contest, he weighed 215 and blew away the competition. Now, youll experience some of the reasons why this is my least favorite routine. Having trained on Mike Mentzer's Heavy Duty 1 Routine (find that book on Mike's site as well) for 2 years before losing my mind and training on the more popular 3 day on/one day off routine for 5 or 6 years, it was a blessing to get back to the lower volume and ultra-high intensity type of routine*** My Cellar-Dweller Experience Drew Baye: In chapter 9 of your new HIT book, you talk about meeting and working with Mike Mentzer. Among these regimens was the well-known Heavy Duty Training.. One workout every 96 to 120 hours, depending on how my . Increase The Bar, (Workout) Ray won the title of IFBB Mr. USA in 1978. The pullover done on a Nautilus machine is an example of an exercise that works a very large volume of muscle without being a compound movement. Of course Grimek and Reeves stood out, but so did Steve Stanko, Mr. America 1944, who was more massive than Grimek. Recently, I attended a reunion of Texas bodybuilders and lifters from the 1960s, which was held at Ronnie Rays home in Dallas. Leg curl - 1 x 16 reps Thats why I had Hudlows resting metabolic rate checked before and after the 14 days. Ellington Darden: Lou Schuler, who was recently appointed editor of Rodales newest magazine called, Mens Health MUSCLE, asked me the same question a while back. If any nontheoretical, real-life example will serve to prove the efficacy of indirect effect. At the age of 18 he started competing in physique competitions, and two years later in . Photography: To illustrate the history, I also have more than a hundred photographs from the 1970s that are placed throughout the text. 290 pounds on the Nautilus leg extension machine, I believe Ive done that much., Having cleared his throat, Mullen continued . But perhaps more importantly, research shows that with that sliding 8 percent, if there was a unified HIT push, it could rather quickly increase back 16 percent, or 3,200,000 trainees. timed static contractions have become popular with some instructors for use with clients who cant perform certain exercises through a full range of motion due to physical problems or injuries. After multiple visits, Hutchins was hired in 1977 by our sports-medicine orthopedist to be his assistant. I can now see why! A major reason, I believe, is either ignorance, or a neglecting, of the principle of "indirect effect". This exercise program was predicated on performing 69 reps at his maximal lifting capacity for each set. Press Behind Neck. Bench press - 1 x 8 reps I read all the bodybuilding magazines from 1959 until 1972, and I never came across anything remotely similar to the emphasis and guidelines Jones placed on lowering a heavy weight. Drew Baye: Are you saying that you absolutely have to have help in applying high intensity training the Arthur Jones way? Who is Paul Johansson? all at 19 years of age. Roy Hilligen (51) impressed me with his overall muscle density combined with extreme definition. As well I found him very bias towards AJ, as in he was never wrong. So we use the body's abilities to create inroads into existing strength to our advantage. "For a while Mike and I strayed from our high intensity, heavy poundage workouts into a program using lighter weights and higher reps. Ray Mentzer was even stronger than Mike, right? I have found it hard to generate an equal sense of intense stimulation using completely static exercises. Ray thought that by using these techniques to extend his time under tension, he would improve his muscle growth. The death of his beloved brother proved to be too much to bear for Ray. Ray learned that Mike had severe cardiac problems while he was waiting for the kidney transplant, and Mike passed away on June 10th, 2001 as a result. Ellington Darden: It is interesting that both Ken and I were raised in Conroe, Texas, which is 30 miles north of Houston. It was portable so they used it from station to station on a Marcy Multi-unit (similar to a Universal Machine). If you have not developed the metabolic conditioning to follow these routines, then back off. Drew Baye: Due to the level of motivation required to perform the kind of outright hard work involved in high intensity training, do you think most people would get better results training with a partner? Why? Drew Baye: How many bodybuilders do you figure are interested in HIT? Each set lasted more than 20 seconds longer as a result of the stutter reps. Coe had more flat, oval-shaped, peaked upper arms than did either Viator or Oliva. The Mentzer family, unfortunately, has a history of heart disease. If they closely correlate then I can vouch that I am getting microtrauma from isometric exercise. What was Ray Mentzer's arm training routine? Serves coffee strong enough to stand an elephant on its ear. And, hes into the martial arts, so he does some of that several times a week. Shrug His Heavy Duty formed the cornerstone of six-time Mr. Olympia Dorian Yates' regimen, and it continues to influence bodybuilders today. Drew Baye: When Jones trained someone, was he a stickler for form? So, be prepared to train alone. The other key component of HIT is the low workout volume. The entire movement needs to be fluid and controlled. When I found out that Dr. Darden had a new bodybuilding book coming out I was very excited. Wrist curl1 1/4 reps Viator lived nearby so Lerille invited him over to talk with Jones and go though a workout. The strange thing was that the entire 6 months Mike was at the Nautilus headquarters, I never saw him take an intense workout. The stronger he is, the more a set of exercise can make an inroad into his existing abilities. That would amount to 160,000 copies sold of The New High-Intensity Training in 12 months. I know a lot of people believe that adding that much muscle so quickly is impossible. Chin He performed one set of 11 or fewer HIT upper-body exercises, three times per week. McCutcheon placed high in a few contests in Great Britain and relocated in 1992 to Portland, Oregon, where he became an engineer for Novellus Systems. Also, pushing the forearm down into a flat surface, like a table-top, and applying tension via controlled bodyweight to perform very slow gruelling triceps extensions (with equal emphasis in the negatives in both exercises). Here we can see Mike mentoring Markus Reinhardt on the heavy duty stuff. As we discussed the topic further, I glanced across the lobby, which was in the center of four departure-arrival gates. Remember to use strict form when doing all of your exercises. Ellington Darden: Jones said he had every intention of training his legs, but when he arrived he had a bit of a chest cold. He registered no weight gain during days 12, 13, and 14, so I just called it two weeks to keep it in line with the other two-week plans in the book. Rest 3 to 5 minutes The New Bodybuilding for Old-School Results by Ellington Darden. Mentzer won the heavyweight class for Mr. Olympia in 1979 with a perfect score of 300. Drew Baye: That 18-1/2 pounds of muscle built by David Hudlow in two weeks seems almost too good to be true. To be specific: Hit: 100kg- 140kg squat 4 reps - long time Starting strength: 100kg - 170kg squat 5 reps - 4 months. If you have ever made a new year fitness resolution as a bodybuilder, you can attest that keeping your new years Hormones are chemical substances released by glands in the body to regulate various functions. Take the hips and thighs as an example. Im grateful that Ive spent as much time as I have with both Jones and Hutchins. I would love for it to be wrong, but hey, it might be right. Wilbur was, and still is, a wheat farmer. And strength training was a lot safer than the most popular aerobic activities, such as jogging and aerobic dancing, which were the latest crazes. At that time, Cooper was the #1 running guru, as a result of a couple of best-selling books on aerobics. After graduating from high school, he worked in United States Air Force and started working out 3 hours a day and 6 days a week. I dont believe Casey ever got his muscular, competitive body weight above 220. So, Jones refocused on his personal training, cracked the whip as only he could, and Casey responded. Bodybuilding Titles Won He himself typically trained three times a week and his 30-minute workouts incorporated no more than 5 sets per body part. Ellington Darden: Ive trained Boyer Coe, Joe Means, Scott Wilson, and Ray Mentzer to name four. Theres a lot of the interesting stuff concerning Arnold and Arthur in chapter 5: How HIT Humbled Schwarzenegger. Arnold, for perhaps multiple reasons, couldnt get the hang of high-intensity training the Arthur Jones way. Proper strength training, we felt, was more than an adequate way to work the muscles and heart. Naturally, isolation is an important component for stimulating muscle growth, and exercises that work large muscle areas don't have to be compound movements. I think the major limiting factor to true isometrics is the lack of negative work which appears to be the most important part of the exercise for stimulating strength and size gains, and the lack of full-range strength improvement. HIT training w/deads can be brutal, squats are equally brutal. Then, he discusses how he merged his experiences into his latest publication, The New High Intensity Training. It was the essential basic Heavy Duty routine consisting of four to five sets per bodypart and broken into two workouts. He took the Nautilus training principles and helped explain them in a way that people could easily understand and apply, and without insulting people in the process like Arthur did. But it was no use. I dont know what went wrong., New High Intensity Training Book Differences. Ellington Darden: When I became interested in bodybuilding in 1959, I naturally started reading the muscle magazines. After years of competition, Mike decided to quit his competitive career and concentrate on new projects in 1982. Is there a study you can cite on this? 8/2/53 Died: 6/12/01 His triceps, in particular, when viewed from behind, reminded one of two large watermelons hanging out of a T-shirt. As a result, Hudlow made steady progress for the entire 6 months that I trained him. I have repeatedly come across trainers asserting that static contraction is a good second-best for those with limited mobility or other disabilities; I have not seen the research to prove that it should be regarded as second-best at all, nor have I seen anyone cite such research it seems to be just a belief thats out there. Mike eventually decided to call it a day and go to bed as exhaustion set in. and a mutual friend told me that Cooper still didnt care for strength training. I was a bit worried. . He started competing in the most prestigious competitions all over America, establishing himself in the process. That curveball sent Martina scrambling for a phone. Mike Mentzer Photo Gallery. Seriously, I know that most people will have great difficulty even locating a knowledgeable trainer, much less ever getting a personal training session from Arthur Jones. Some people accuse him of writing the same book over and over, with just a different twist to the training method, or geared towards a different audience.