Elena goes down the well in order to find the cure while Stefan is helping his big brother. Caroline hung up the phone. He responds that he doesn't and suggests that they go to the dance together even if it's cancelled. When Stefan lost his memories for a spell, Caroline was the only person that he trusts immediately, upon learning about Bonnie's death, Stefan told Caroline that he would always be for her as she has always been for him, Caroline helped to Stefan with all his problems lately. In the kitchen, Stefan talks to Matt about the importance of free will. "Welcome to the wonderful world of being a vampire.". In the meantime Klaus and Caroline find him. Their first relationship during Season Seven is strained a bit until Stefan and Caroline are forced to breakup for three years. Stefan and Elena are walking along a desolate road, trying to make their way back to Mystic Falls. All of a sudden Stefan takes a deep breath and opens his eyes. Decades ago, Stefan's mother, asked Valerie to see how Stefan was doing after the mother's death, as a human. While Sloan called Caroline and Enzo to give them the information, the Travelers carried to Stefan unconscious on a stretcher elsewhere. Damon turned his eyes to Sam and Dean. She tells him she's just passing through town. While they're talking, she's looking at her hands and asks him if her hand looks wrinkled to him. Later, Stefan and Lily make a truce to make sure that there won't be any more innocent bloodshed. She says that he's hurt and he's acting out, that this is not his true self. He says that he just wants to see her. When Stefan wakes, Rayne has him tied to the news anchor's chair. He is portrayed by Paul Wesley in the television series CW's The Vampire Diaries and The Originals. Damon leaves and Stefan sees Caroline on the street outside. Caroline encourages it. Most of the deaths were in the present, but there were a few that took place in 1864 during flashbacks and they were included in the total, but will be distinguished from present day deaths. Stefan admits he's hurt that Elena has not been truthful with him, and Elena defends herself by saying that she didn't want to ruin Stefan's good mood. Stefan seems excited by her invitation and when he goes to pick Elena up they exchange compliments. After it is revealed that everyone is in danger from Alaric, Stefan prepares to take off and help keep everyone safe. Valerie puts him at ease by telling him that those flowers have no medicinal properties, they are a wives tale. Later, Stefan is lying in a car and Caroline comes and lies down beside him, she is saddened by Tom's death and tells him that she is a failure because she couldn't do it, Stefan tells her that he knew that she couldn't do it because she is good, then Caroline tells him that Enzo killed him. Later, Stefan visits Caroline and she demands to know where he was. He tells her he needs to get a charger and he walks into a store buying some supplies. Stefan hops on his bike, only for it to fall to pieces. The two girls get the information about Katherine and leave with his car. He says that Damon was never on his side. Suddenly, something barrels against the wall, shattering a window in the house Stefan is leaning on while making his phone call, Stefan tells to Damon that the Travelers drained their blood, so they are having to do a little hunting. Stefan told Elena to go and find them, leaving Stefan and Caroline alone. Damon lunges at Lily and Beau explodes all the coffins. As humans, they were very close- best friends up until the arrival of the beautiful Katherine Pierce. Stefan says that they have to save Bonnie but Klaus doesn't agree with that because he doesn't want them to fulfill Silas' wish. They have a conversation. She is surprised that Enzo is dead and Stefan tells her that he killed him, Caroline realizes that she was wrong about her suspicions on Stefan and Elena, she asks why didn't he say anything to her and Stefan tells her because it's complicated. As Stefan is leaving the house, Elena calls him and tells him her plan to kill Kol. Valerie tells Damon to fill up a jug of gasoline to make sure they can successfully burn Julian's body, also telling them that he is already dead. Lexi then says what ever Elena feels is for Stefan and Stefan tells Lexi that she is the love of his life and he would go back to her in a heart beat, but if that is not what Elena feels he thinks that it might be what he needs to finally leave. He wants to celebrate her first feed, but Elena is less enthusiastic, reminding him that it kind of made her sick. He played her and said that he doesn't need her help and it was time for him to pay her for six months of her. He can sometimes be somewhat sarcastic or display a dry, sarcastic wit. He was particularly practical, charming, playful, mischievous and humorous around his close friends (such as Lexi or Caroline, for example) or people who he knows. Caroline wants to know since Valerie is out of the prison world, does that change anything for him? Stefan then decides to accompany her but Enzo interrupts them telling that he can't because the Travelers still need him, Caroline says him that she will be fine and that he would do the same for her, Stefan tells her that he don't trust in Enzo and Caroline says that don't worry because she don't trust in Enzo too and that she will be safe, she promise that to him, Enzo says goodbye to Stefan with a wave and leaves with Caroline leaving Stefan worried. "(Y/N), let's be reasonable. As a result of indirectly betraying Damon, Stefan felt extreme guilt for unintentionally being responsible for Katherine's capture and promised Damon that he would do everything he could to help Damon get Katherine back. he's moving on Stefan asks her how does anyone seem to move on Caroline says that someday he'll meet someone new and fall madly in love he would have moved on without even realizing it. They have an enjoyable time together, where Elena teaches him some of her skills, she takes him to the Wickery Bridge to remember when he saved her from dying. Deceased (Found Peace on March 8, 2018) Another night, Stefan and Katherine were spending a passionate night together when she suddenly bit Stefan. Stefan keeps explaining and says that if Silas manages to destroy the other side altogether he can take the cure, die and pass on. He adds that he doesn't care what Elena wants right now because she's this close to going off the rails for good and that's not happening. This results in their initially stable relationship into an antagonistic one before she was captured and killed. Elena enters the Grill, safe as long as Connor doesn't know she's a vampire. Damon, of course, claims that he doesn't care about Klaus, but Stefan tells him again to let him go. He ask who is there and somebody say to he that he can leave. He was also close friends with Bonnie Bennett and his ex-girlfriend, Elena Gilbert. In reality, Stefan is the first to get out of the stone and he tells Matt, Bonnie and Caroline that he had to let go to get out. She is very fragile in that moment and she breaks down because it's really hard to accept that her only living relative is dead. Everyone takes their seats and the wedding begins. Caroline reluctantly agrees. He asks her if this is really the memory she wants to revisit? Stefan gives Katherine one last peaceful dream. It's time to start. Without memory Stefan wanted to feed on people, and theorized that the reason he had lost control was an attempt to escape the constant feelings of guilt and responsibility he bore after turning Damon but that would no longer be a problem since he didn't have those terrible memories; interestingly enough, Memories Stefan had once confirmed this. On the dark side, Stefan can be incredibly self loathing, self-destructive, addictive, guilt ridden, martyring, unpredictable, melancholic, self-righteous, naive, secretive and judgmental. Having avoided him all day, Caroline is finally forced to face him. She initially resisted his interest, but not long after that, they became romantically involved. On his lapis lazuli stone bears the Salvatore family crest with the letter "S" for the first letter of his first name. He also wears a large, silver lapis lazuli daylight ring on the middle finger of his right hand in order for him to walk around in the sunlight. She has shut it all off, including her feelings for him. They manage to find their car but Elena and Rebekah are nowhere to be seen. She asks if Stefan has slept with her too, but he says no and adds that he was just a better person when he was with Lexi. Once the bomb detonates, Stefan calls his mother telling her that her family are no more. Damon calls Stefan out on his motives for wanting the cure for Elena, and Stefan responds that although he will always love her, Elena is not meant to be a vampire, and he doesn't want her to be this person. Valerie is trying to help him as he tells her his chest hurts. Klaus wasn't affected by the daggers, so he killed all the hunters and found out why Rebekah trusted Alexander: the hunter had told there was a cure for vampirism. Klaus, however, keeps to respond ironically. Furthermore, during his time working for Arcadius, he was temporarily granted the ability to return from death, even matters regarding a stake to the heart. After learning the man has no regrets other than being caught, Stefan feeds him his blood and snaps his neck. Stefan tells Caroline to let Sarah go, but instead, she told Liam to cut out Sarah's heart. He says that since she's dying, he can "muster" some compassion for her. When Stefan finds Elena, he and Damon work together to bring down another vampire called Elijah. Damon mocks him with Ms. Cuddles and, annoyed, Stefan grabs and kicks Bonnie's teddy bear across the field uncovering a cloaking spell which was hiding a house. Maria tries hitting the brakes, but it nothing happens. Elena says she said something she didn't mean and Stefan admits that he did too. Caroline asks him where is the antidote and Enzo nods and a group of Travelers disperse through the stockyard. Stefan and Damon later join Elena in the woods, where she is digging a grave for Connor's body. In the novels, Stefan is Catholic and has a strong sense of faith, morals and values. Damon however says that his brother has to deal with that on his own until he comes back. Alaric wants Damon to tell Stefan about the cure. They continue to walk around the fair grounds, getting to know each other. This seems to effect Stefan. Forbes comes back to life. Stefan starts to object, but Damon stops him, reminding him that they're not in a fight. He then tells Klaus, "And neither can you. Stefan showed great strength when he fought the compulsion and told Elena to run. Rebekah however knows what the Salvatore brother wants and she gives him the dagger herself. Elijah frees Stefan and Damon, meaning that this is family business. He thinks it won't work because he's never heard of anyone doing it. Elena asks Stefan if he is okay and he replies telling her they always have a plan for evil, but there is no plan for telling Caroline that she is losing her mom. Stefan, Damon and Klaus finally agree to save Elena and Caroline together. Valerie introduces Stefan to Julian and Stefan assumes he is Valerie's father. Matt shows up and just when they are going to let Sarah go, Enzo comes back. Whilst drinking and laughing, Stefan reveals his plans to join the war and seems surprised, yet joyful when Damon requests to join, and says he will speak to his C.O before leaving to get another round of drinks. Stefan accepts and drinks the number of blood bags Klaus gives him. In regards to Katherine, Stefan was much harder to get and challenging unlike Damon, who persistently chased and pursued Katherine as much as possible. Later when it's revealed that Stefan has another living relative Sarah Nelson (who was born as Sarah Salvatore), Enzo tries to use the information as leverage before Stefan shoots down his hopes of it ruining his relationship with Damon. Klaus then asks Stefan to talk some sense into his sister, but the younger Salvatore explains that he has to take care of Damon as he's still compelled to kill Jeremy. Later Stefan and Damon is in the room were Bonnie had cast a trapping spell. He was definitely seen as the 'Golden Boy' and he had the admiration and respect of the entire town of Mystic Falls and most of all, of his father Giuseppe. Damon jokes that when he gets Elena back and the whole universe freaks out for keeping the doppelgngers apart, Stefan should remember he's the one who talked Damon out of doing the right thing for all mankind, Stefan agrees and smiles. She's slowly getting better at this. Rayna is in the chair across from him, telling him that she is exhausted. Stefan apologizes to Matt who doesn't really want to hear it from Stefan. Later Caroline is in the Salvatore house, Stefan arrives and sits down to talk to her telling her that he had been looking for her everywhere, Caroline tells him that he is her friend and she need to hear what he really thinks about she and Klaus, but Stefan starts joking, making smile to Caroline, he also looks at her with a tender smile. For parties, there's a lot of talk about life. Stefan finally meets with Caroline, they arrive at some abandoned train station, they're talking about Damon and Elena and as Damon is going to tell her that he killed Aaron, Enzo then arrives and interrupts them. He is intensely, immediately and indescribably drawn to her. Stefan and Katherine at Tyler's welcome party. When they are on the road with Katherine and stop to tank, Katherine breaks his car, so they would be forced to wait until it is repaired. He admitted that Katherine had been right and that he had to focus more on moving on from Elena than his 3 months drowning during the summer. Satisfied with Elena's reasons, Stefan reminds her to be careful, as it's easy to get caught up in the feed. Stefan run (still handcuffed) through the forest to escape the capture of the police and comes across a cabin. He claims he has a system for starting over. He tells him he and Lily had a deal and that now she has Caroline. Later, Stefan helps remove peculiar wooden bullets from Tyler's chest. Then Matt states "That stops today". Elena and Elijah talk and Elena says that the original brother is not the same anymore because he has fallen for Katherine's trap.